45. The Final Ball

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The amount of typos I make...

Anyways, last chapter, feeling a bit emotional 🥲
Note that I didn't plan anything ahead other than like the last five words, the rest I thought I'd figure out along the way.

Also, mid way I realised I hadn't put a location in the note so I changed that, you can check.

Mattheo's POV:

I smiled, my heart warming up as I tucked the note away, fixing my hair one more time, before stepping outside.

The boys were waiting for me. Theodore and Enzo were going as friends, and the other two had dates.

We walked down to the great hall, as the people were starting to gather.

Finally, they came down, laughing to themselves.

They all looked great but my eyes were looking for one very specific girl, my girl.

She walked in, beside Astoria, her hair, her dress, her makeup, everything complemented her to the fullest. I couldn't keep my eyes off as she slowly walked with grace, laughing and giggling with the girl beside her.

My heart fluttered as I smiled like an eight year old.

I watched as her friends left to see their dates and took my chance. There was still an hour to eight, and I'm going to use it.

She smiled once she saw me approaching, her smile was so contagious to me.

I bowed down as she giggled,

"Well, what's a lovely lady doing all alone?" I joked as she laughed.

"Waiting for someone." She smiled, my smile grew but I tried to hide it.

"Surely until that someone shows up, I could steal you for a bit." As I held my hand out.

She smirked "I don't see a problem with that." She said as she put her hand in mine and I gently pecked her hand before pulling her to the dance floor where the dance was about to begin.

The music began and everyone started scurrying to their places, and took their partners, and we did the same.

We started swaying to the classical music, hand in hand and danced, maintaining eye contact.

"Didn't know you could dance." She smirked

"There's a lot about me you don't know."

Like how I love you. I smiled to myself.

We danced for sometime while chatting and laughing.

We finished and decided to go for a walk outside under the moonlight, it was almost eight but I still had plenty of time.

The night sky was littered with stars and the moon being the main source of light, the breeze was cold but comforting.

"I almost don't recognize you, you seem so...so much nicer."

I pretended to be offended and held a hand up to my chest.

Masked Love  -Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now