20. A hickey?

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Lyra's POV:

The Professor took a good long look around the class and said,

"Everyone, please come to the front of the class, I shall be rearranging your seats."

We all got up and stood at the front, waiting to be assigned to a seat.

Luckily, Mattheo was a bit further away from me due to the crowd but our seats were yet to be decided.

The professor kept saying names and everyone took their places.

The only people left now were, Kayla, Mattheo, some other girl from hufflepuff and I.

I began to grow a bit nervous, what if I had to sit with Riddle?

Mattheo noticed and smirked. He came closer to me from behind which made Kayla scowl.

As much as I hate having Riddle bear me, seeing that bitch jealous, made it slightly more bearable.

"Ah and Miss Nightshade and-" he was interrupted by the door opening and Ezra walking in.

"You're late, mister Ezmerey."

"Woke up late." He said, his voice a bit harsh.

"Very well then, detention. But for now, take a seat at the back with miss Nightshade."

Ezra I love you.

No wait I didn't mean it like that.

I smirked and followed Ezra to our seat and smiled to myself, seeing the scowl and glare on Riddle's face.

Kayla on the other hand, looked over joyed.

"Miss Amanders and Mr Riddle, the seat over there." Mattheo rolled his eyes and Kayla couldn't be happier as the Professor pointed at their seat.

They sat down, and the professor turned his back to the class to write on the board.

"Ezra, pst, Ezra." I whispered.

"Hm?" He said, not removing his eyes from the front of the class.

"Where were you?" I asked lowly.

"Doesn't matter."

"You weren't in your dorm, so I'm pretty sure it does."

"Can you just keep your Goddamn nose out of other people's business?" He whisper-yelled.

I was takin aback.

This wasn't the sweet, funny Ezra I'm used to.

He seemed upset and mad.

Mostly upset.

I scanned his face for something other than sadness but I found nothing.

Until I moved my gaze to his jaw.

A hickey?

So he was at a hook up?

But why didn't he say anything?

Usually he would brag about them.

I decided it would be best not to push it for now, I'd ask him after class.

During class, I received several death glared from Riddle, while he tried to push away Kayla, who kept clinging to him like a lost puppy.

After class we all hurried out.

Next I had herbology with Marcus.

"Marcus, Marcus!" I called for him.

He turned around and smirked when he saw me. "What can I do for you my lady." He said.

"Cut the accent, did you see Jessica?"

"Nope, she didn't show. Did you see Ezra?"

"Yeah, he came to charms and seemed pissed about something."

"What did he do?"

"I tried asking him where he was, he wouldn't answer."

I decided to keep that fact that he was in a hook up, a secret for now.

"Hm, that's odd."

Odd indeed.

I might not update for a while

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