33. Persuasion

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It's a couple weeks after the last chapter
Lyra's POV:

I told the girls what had been going on. The letters and how I suppose I do have feelings for him to which they laughed saying what I felt was more than just 'feelings' Pansy and Astoria kept smirking at each other. Probably because they were right. I actually felt relieved telling them. It felt good talking about it and seeing their support made it better. They understood why I couldn't know who he was yet.

Jessica also talked about how she's been feeling about Draco. He was truly an ass, but he kept my friend happy, and he seemed genuine towards her. I'll still be keeping an eye to make sure he doesn't hurt her.

I've caught Eliana staring at Marcus from time to time but knowing her, I didn't bring it up.

Astoria still seamed oblivious of Ezra's looks.

I've caught Pansy staring at Blaise too, I tried asking her but she simply ignored me.

Kayla was wrapped around Riddle as usual, but I caught her brother smirking at me from time to time and tried to ignore it.

We had just finished Dinner. I was in my room, staring outside my window.

Numerous thoughts circled my mind. What happens after the war? We won't be seen as one of them will we? Who knows how many people might not make it. Hogwarts might be in ruins. We're headed into war. We can't just sit and wait for them to announce war.

Our families will never let us simply leave. What about Lucia, she's stuck at home where deatheaters frequently visit and of course there's father. She's not safe. I can't just sit here, I haven't seen her since the beginning of the school year.

I can't stay, I have to go. But where to? There's always Hogwarts? I'm sure with enough convincing they'll take us. By us I mean I can't do it alone, but it's selfish to ask everyone to help me. I have try nevertheless.

I get up and go to Eliana's room, and knock on her door.

She slowly opened the door and gestured for me to enter.

She closed the door and we sat on her bed.

"We need to do something." I started


"We can't sit here and do nothing, war is approaching and with the way things are going, hogwarts doesn't have a very good chance, and most of all, Lucia, I can't let her stay in that wretched manor, filled with deatheaters and my psychotic father, Lucinda can't protect her, and even if she's unharmed, I can't let her grow up in such ruble, she can't witness the destruction this war will bring and all the pain and all the horrible things this world is capable of."

I took in a breath.

Eliana didn't meet my eyes.

"I've thought about it actually, but there isn't much we can do." She said while trying to calm me down.

"One thing we can do is leave, I mean I know it's risky and dangerous bu-but I'd rather risk it than do nothing."

"Lyra, you know we can't do that." She said sternly.

Eliana was always that way, always has her mind fixed, not easily manipulated, or persuaded. I admired that about her but at the same time it pissed me off when I really needed her to agree.

I know if I can get her on board, Ezra will follow, he trusts his sister with more than his life, Eliana has always been the only one by him other than us, but their bond comes no where close to us. After them Marcus won't say no, I mean I'm sure he wouldn't say no anyway, he's always up for anything and everything, doesn't matter if it's life threatening, if we're in then so if he, we're family and whatever shit we go through, we won't be alone.

Even if any of us tried, the other three would most definitely drag our stupid ass back. That'll probably be me by the way. Ezra and Eliana would never separate and Marcus is like a cute lost puppy, but at the same time, if something is bad enough to really get to him, then he can be ruthless, he's not always dumb, he just likes seeming invisible sometimes, but if he ever wants attention, he'll make sure we're damn aware. But that's what I like about him, he isn't afraid to speak his mind, and for Eliana, he can do much more.

"Eliana you don't understand! My sister, the only thing keeping me sane is in danger, both physically and emotionally, I can't let her see me in this light, if we go in to war, she'll either be dead before or she'll die in it watching her sister be..., I just can't, not to mention hogwarts! You think we don't owe them anything? Hogwarts was more of a home than our houses ever were, it was the only place we got to live and forget who we were, all the times we had, all the things we did and all that the school gave us, a childhood, a home, memories. Look at me and tell me you'll be fine going back there to watch it crumble and be the one to do it. Once we're there, there's no going back, even if we switch sides there, we'd have nothing to show for it, no explanation and after being there during Dumbledoor's death you think they'll believe us afterwards? We'll go down in history as murderers, killers and heartless sociopaths. Do you still think it's alright?"

That was a lot, I said everything so fast and said every word that came to mind.

Eliana stared at me eyes wide and lips in a straight line.

"Lyra, you should go." She said very slowly.

I couldn't believe her. Was she being serious. She's-she's actually going to stay put?!

Before I could yell at her we heard a scream followed by "Astoria?!"

Trying to wrap this up so I squeezed the plot if three chapters in one.

Do you agree with Lyra?


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