44. Preparations

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I hate this book, I want it to be over already 😭

Lyra's POV:

The break quickly  flew by and now we have to return to complete our seventh year.

We were done with breakfast and we're headed to the platform.

These last few months were truly amazing. We started actually getting along and now, we're one group. It started small but eventually we realized we had more common ground than not.

I got to spend time with my sister, Lycan did too, and I realised how much I had missed my brother and how I had forgotten how amazing he was. Lucia was so happy.

Riddle had really changed too. We had a couple chats here and there, he seemed to genuinely enjoy my company, and wanted us to look past our hatred, I didn't have any issues with it, we agreed to somewhat be friends, acquaintances at least.

Astoria and Pansy kept smirking everytime Riddle and I talked or didn't insult each other.

We finally reached the train station, and a boarded the train, and found an empty compartment, where we all squeezed in. How the twelve of us fit in there, I do not know.

We spent the ride chatting, planning our last year, planning what we'd do after hogwarts and more.

I dozed off on Eliana's shoulder.

I woke up to being gently shaken, I slowly opened my eyes to see Mattheo, we were alone.

"Lyra, everyone left, and they didn't want to bother you, but we have to get off now." He said gently. I just nodded, still a bit tired.

I got changed into my uniform and stepped outside to see him waiting and he smiled as he walked along and I followed.

We soon made it to the great hall.

"Took you long enough, we thought you were making out." Said Pansy with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and took my seat between Marcus and Ezra.

The sorting ceremony proceeded as usual, there were a lot of new students as the war was finally over.

After the whole sorting was over and the feast was about to begin, professor Mcgonnagal  gave announcement,

"Dear students, welcome to another year at hogwarts, this year, to celebrate the ending of the wizarding war, and to honor all those we've lost, we have decided to have a ball, for years fourth through seventh and the first three years shall have theirs separately. All students are welcome to bring a date it shall take place two weeks from now, we hope you have a splendid time, let the feast begin!" She announced as the whole hall started clapping.

Another ball, maybe this is the one. I smiled to myself.

The next two weeks were pretty fast, we attended classes, skipped a couple, laughed and hung out, we felt free, we were back where we wanted, home, with no one to be scared of now, we had our lives to ourselves.

The day finally came.

The ball was in three hours, Eliana  Jessica, Pansy, Astoria and I, decided to get ready together. Eliana was with Marcus, Jessica was with Draco, Pansy was with Blaise, and apparently Ezra asked Astoria, to which she gladly agreed. And I, had someone special of my own.

Masked Love  -Mattheo RiddleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora