12. Uninvited

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First two exams tomorrow, wish me luck.
I'm desperately in need of it.
Lyra's POV:

After the train stopped, we all got off and headed straight to our classes.

I had charms first.

On my way, I bumped into her.

Kayla Amanders

A fucking whore, slut and absolute bitch. She's obsessed with Riddle, now that I think about it, they do suit each other, I don't give a fuck.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Little Nightshade."

"Fuck off Amanders, I'm not in the mood for your bullshit."

"Now, now, play nice, where were you the past two days? At your death eater daddy's manor?"

I tried not let it get to me and kept on walking

"How's mommy? O wait, she's dead." She cackled like a mad woman

I stopped in my path, after hearing her mention my mother. That filthy mouth of her's didn't deserve to.

I lost it

I launched at her.

Long story short, I won with a few scratches, left her with a bleeding lip and broken nose, and I was late to charms.

I washed up a little but still looked a bit messy and headed to charms which I just remembered I had with Riddle.


Another asshole to deal with.

I walked into charms, the professor was not very happy and I had to sit next to Riddle.

Fun right?

I saw him smirking knowing how much I hated this.

I just glared at him and pulled my chair away from him and he pulled it back to piss me off and it worked.

I decided to simply ignore him and looked to the front of the class, which was pretty boring.

Mattheo kept trying to bother me doodling, crumbling pages, playing with his pencils while I tried to ignore him.

What he was doing was getting to me But I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing what.

After some time, I realized he was quiet and still.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye and saw him staring at something.

I realized my skirt was a little higher up and was exposing a bit of my thigh, which he was staring at.

I smirked

Payback time.

I slowly shifted in my seat and gently sucked of the end of my pencil trying to get unnoticed by others and he stared at the pencil and let out a breath.

This was fun.

I still didn't remove my eyes from the front of the class and bit my lip and sucked on it.

He let out a shaky breath and shifted in his seat, his gaze not leaving me and mine not leaving the front of the class.

Suddenly the bell rang and class was dismissed.

I picked up my bag and got up and left, but not before 'accidentally' dropping my pencil and bending down to pick it up making sure he. Noticed and I walked out.

I went to my next class.

Time skip-

My classes were over and I was headed toward the common room when suddenly, I got pulled into a broom closet and pinned me against the door.

"I'm not in the mood for- Riddle?"

"Too bad cause here you are"

I smirked, he didn't look too happy and I hoped I was the reason why.

"To what do I owe this pleasure"

"You know very well what you were doing in charms today"

"Really? What exactly did I do? Care to elaborate?" I asked giving an innocent smile.

He scoffed and brought his face closer to mine,

"I hate you"

"Mhm love you too, now if you would excuse me, I have places to be." I said and wiggled out of his grip and walked towards the common room.

He followed behind next to me matching my pace probably headed there as well.

"You know, we're having a party tonight, and you're not invited." He said, walking next to me, hands in his pocket.

"O lovely, I'll make sure I'll be there, anything specific you want to see me in." I smirked

He looked stunned at my reply and opened his mouth to say something but I whispered the password and quickly got in and went to my dorm before he could reply.

Tonight is it?


Writing this half asleep in the morning.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Don't forget to vote

We'll have the party in the next chapter.
Who's excited?

Drama and Chaos coming

Thanks for reading
Ily all

752 words

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