43. Eventful

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Marcus's POV:

My head hurt, my body hurt, my eyes hurt, my everything hurrrtttsss.

I struggle to open my eyes as they adjust to the light. I felt like shit. My body hurt and my head felt dazed.

I slowly tried to sit up.

"You're awake."

I turned my head to be met with Eliana, sitting next to me on my bed at the Malfoy manor, her eyes scanning the page of a book, not sparing me a glance.

I chuckled as I sat up and moved back, now leaning against the headboard as I turn my face to her as she continues reading.

"Thanks to you." I chuckled.

"You remember?" She now turned her face to me.

"The face of my savior? Yeah." I smirked, but my face still hurt.

"Try not to move too much, you're still healing."

"Sure. How long have I been out?"

"Three days."

"Three days?!"

"Mhm, you were out cold, so we didn't bother."

"How long have you been here?"

"I check on you from time to time."

"Lovely. I also happen to be quite hungry."

"Of course, sleeping for three days must have made you quite famished."


She laughed, "okay, okay, I'll get you some breakfast."

"What happened to everyone else?"

"I'll fetch them too."

With that she turned around left as I smiled, fuck that still hurts.

A few moments after, the door flew open as a parade walked in, aka my friends.

Ezra came first and ran up to me and hugged me right as I winced in pain.

"O, right, sorry. Here you've been snoring for three days while we've been hanging out."

I chuckled.

"Never do that again, we were worried sick, especially Eliana." Said Jess.

Eliana was that worried for me.

"Marc, if you die again, I will kill you." Joked Lyra with a glare.

"Yes mam." I replied.

"Okay, everyone out, give him some space, he hasn't eaten in days." Said Eliana while walking in with a tray of food.

They all left as she set the food on my lap.

"Eat up." She said.

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