10. Love, your Nightingale

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Mattheo's POV:

It was the next morning and I just woke up.

I got up and noticed a letter on my desk.

She must've replied, and at night her owl dropped it off.

I was nervous. I don't know why.

I walked up to my desk and stared at it for some time.

I picked it up and brought it closer to my face to examine it.

It smelt divine. It smelt like her.

I was keeping it for sure.

It had a nice stamp. I took it out of the envelope and a small dried primrose fell with it.

"To, My Raven"

My heart fluttered reading those words. I had a weird tingling feeling in my stomach.

I finally took in a breath and opened it.

My Raven,

I'm not sure if we'll see each other again but, I'd like to get to know you too. I can't tell you if if I attend hog warts or not. I can't tell you my name yet either. I'll explain the Nightingale later. You didn't look too bad yourself last night. You won't leave my thoughts either. And no, I don't have a boyfriend.

I hope to see you soon, but I can't guarantee it'll happen, neither can I tell you too much about myself.

I hope you're well. I miss you too.

Your Nightingale.

I finished reading and couldn't stop smiling.

I was a bit upset as well, I might never see her again.

And I don't know much about her.

But I was happy.

I got ready and went down for breakfast and then we left and reached the train station and found an empty compartment and sat down.

"So, we're back at hogwarts." Blaise sighed

"Apparently, any plans?" Asked Theo

"I know! Let's have a slitherin party, we haven't had those in ages." Said Enzo, getting excited.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about." Said Theo "every one in?" Asked Enzo

"I'm in, I've been meaning to get wasted" said Draco.

"So am I" added Blaise

"Guess I'm in too"

After that, we mostly kept to ourselves for the rest of the train ride.

I kept thinking, what if she really does go to hogwarts? Do I know her already?

The train came to a stop and we got off and went straight to our classes.

I had Charms first.

I entered the class and sat down at the very back.

The professor came in and started teaching.

Suddenly, the door flew open and in came Lyra, with her uniform ruffled and her hair messy.

"Why are you late miss Nightshade?"

"Lost track of time, Professor." She said in an innocent voice and put on a fake smile.

The professor rolled his eyes.

"Very well then, take a seat next to mister Riddle." He said and went back to teaching.

She turned to me with a scowl on her face, obviously annoyed.

I smirked, knowing how much she hated me.

She stormed up to me and pulled her chair away from me and sat down and turned to face the front of the class.

I gently pulled her chair towards me, to piss her off and it worked.

This should be fun.

I just found out that my exams are in less than a week and I'm very unprepared and am freaking out, so for the following two weeks I might not upload too much.

But, the party is in two chapters and has a whole lot of drama and chaos and will not disappoint.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

"This was the very first page,
Not where the story line ends.

My thoughts will echo your name,
Until I see you again.

These are the words I held back,
As I was leaving too soon,

But I was enchanted to meet you."

Can someone tell me why I'm just realizing how much my book sounds like Enchanted by Taylor Swift?

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