26. Fate?

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Mattheo's POV:

Today's the day.

Draco looked crazy.

We all got up and waited in the common room for Lyra and her friends.

They all looked equally drained.

We were all dressed in black.

Marcus held an emotionless face.

Ezra avoided eye contact at all costs.

Eliana looked at her feet.

Jessica looked broken.

And last, there was Lyra. Her face held nothing I could read. As if her soul couldn't be found.

We walked up to the astronomy tower, following Draco and Jessica, as it was their task.




It's done.

Dumbledoors is dead.

The wizarding world has no protection.

Our time has come.

Our bags were already at the manor, we followed bellatrix as she rampaged, destroying everything in her path.

We were soon followed by potter who looked at us in disbelief and anger. He and snape talked about some prince who's halfbooded.

Potter especially looked at Lyra and Marcus as they put their heads down and looked away, walking with everyone else as we were finally far enough, we apparated.

We had done it. We're death eaters now, of course we all ways we're, but now, all freedom we had, shall be cut off.

We stood in front of Malfoy Manor as the gates opened, inviting us to torture.

We waited for the meeting and as it commenced, we knew the next step was dominating the wizarding world.

The meeting ended and everyone left to their own individual rooms.

I waited till I was last and for my father acknowledge my presence.


"Father, I would like to discuss something with you in private."

"Very well, what is it you want boy?"

"I was thinking... now that Dumbledore's finally gone, we should have a... celebration, perhaps a ball, like last time?"

"Very well then." I was surprised he wasn't surprised. But I knew it was best to not push him, so I simply nodded and bowed before taking my leave.

I decided to skip dinner.

I went straight to bed but after some time, I decided to get up.

Masked Love  -Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now