25. Acceptance

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Finally baaack!


Lyra's POV:

One more day before we leave.

One more day before we seal our fates and prove everyone's suspicions.

One more day till we're considered the same as our parents.

One more day till we enter eternal torture.

"Done?" Asked Eliana, while Jessica stared out the window.

It was a gloomy day, like the weather had read our minds. At least it can't snitch.

"Yup." I said, putting my suitcase down after zipping it.

Eliana was packed first of course, but Jess on the other hand,

She still couldn't come into terms with everything happening.

We all understood how hard it probably is for her, it's hard for all of us, but Jess, she's not the best at acceptance, especially to this.

Leaving behind the only home we ever knew, was obviously never a choice, but then again, we don't come across choices very often.

Enough complaining, we're not here to live a sob story.


"Hm?" She said, still not removing her eyes from the sky.

"Do you want me to help you pack?" I asked gently, she's in a fragile state, I can't convince her now.

"Mhm, thanks." She said and got up, she grabbed her hoodie, threw it on and walked out the door.

Eliana sighed.

"She needs to accept that we don't have a say in this, it's not up to any of us, she needs to get her act together, or who knows when she'll snap, remember the last time?" Said Eliana.

My mind flashed back to first year....

"Huh, not only are you stupid, but you're also ugly." Laughed Draco at Eliana, who narrowed her eyes and stiffened, she wasn't one to let emotions get out of hand but, as much as she hates to admit it......

She's had a crush on Draco for some time.....

I couldn't believe her either, I mean Eliana? Are we even talking about the same person?

I was a bit behind her, not visible to them, when Jess came out of nowhere and punched Draco in the face hard enough to knock him down on his blonde ass.

Of course we were in the halls so everyone stopped to watch.

Elianas eyes widened while a smirk spread on my face.

Theodore and Enzo come running to help Draco but their efforts to stop themselves from laughing were evident.

Then I realized someone was watching me.

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