23. Letters from no one

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Eliana's POV:

I watched as Lyra left.

I was worried for Lucia.

I decided Maybe wandering around looking for Jessica wouldn't be the best idea.

So I sat down with my homework.

But of course my mind wandered elsewhere.

I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Ezra after the encounter at the astronomy tower last night.

I wonder why he's acting like this.

I was lost in thought for some time, when the door opened and entered Jessica.

I instantly got up and ran to her and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her roughly.

"Where the Fuck were you?" I yelled.

" O, Eliana, wait. Umm calm down."

"The fuck do you mean by calm down? Where were you all day."

"I'll explain, I'll explain, but first, please just calm down."

I calmed down a little and she sat me down and explained her task from the dark lord and kept going on and on about how awful Draco is.

"But why weren't you in bed this morning?" I asked

"O, umm, see I sorta kinda umm." She laughed nervously.

"What. Did. You. Do."

"IthinkhookedupwithEzra." She said really fast.


"You did WHAT?"

"I know, i know, I can't remember a thing, I just woke up next to him and I remember being drunk last night."

I was freaking out.

Is that why Ezra's been so distant today?


Of course it is.

"Do you have any idea how badly you fucked up?" I said, trying very Gard to not lose it.

She remained silent and looked down at her hands.

I told her what Ezra was like the whole day and she looked so sorry. She looked like she was to cry.

I decided as much as she is to blame, I can't let her feel this guilty, it'll break her.

I told her we were going to hogsmeade to get some fresh air and we left.

I was still worried for Lyra though.

Lyra's POV:

Time skip-

I opened the envelope carefully and took out the letter.


My Nightingale

I don't know what to write. I already told you how I want to see you again soon. I'm bored. I miss you. It's been awhile since I last wrote to you. I hope you're alright. Can't you just tell me if you go to hogwarts? I really want to know. What's you're favorite snack? Do you like puppies?


Your Raven.

I smiled to myself.

I'm too exhausted to write anything right now

I got in bed and dozed off.



Eliana and Jessica return at night after spending some time together and Eliana realises Jess doesn't know about Ezra's feelings for her.


I know it's a shitty chapter

Next chapter will be out today

Time skip for a couple months with happen in the next chapter.


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