35. Plotting

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Hi <3

Lyra's POV:

"Two weeks, that's how long we have before we'll certainly be involved, we're lucky we haven't received the mark yet." Said Eliana.

"So we have two weeks to plot an escape, making sure to not leave a trail of raise suspicions before then with no certainty if one of us could be called out of nowhere for some task if not all of us?" Scoffed Marcus.

To say the tension in the room was visible would be an understatement. Jessica kept to herself with her knees tightly tucked up to her chest and eyes on the floor, while Ezra tried to rub soothing circles on her back to help her calm down. Daphne's death struck her with numerous possibilities of the tragic deaths her loved ones could face.

We knew the full story behind Daphne's death. She was called on a task after receiving her mark, both of which were not told to poor Astoria who thought her beloved sister was happy and safe, then given the news of her death.

Death truly is unfair isn't it, especially to your loved ones more than yourself.

Is wasn't just her death that caused us so much grief, but the idea that one of us could be killed in a matter of days with no choice, fear that the only family we know could easily leave us.

"So how exactly do we put this plan in action?" I asked.

"We'll have to hope for the best, pack only essentials stuff that can not be left without care to be ruined, then make sure we don't raise suspicions, we have to act as if nothing is going on-" "but we can't leave without telling anyone! It'll be unfair." Jessica interrupted Eliana.

"Jess, we have to, we can't let anyone know" said Eliana.

"You really think it's fair we get to leave while they're stuck? It feels like betrayal, they'll hate us, the least we can do is let some of them know."

"Yeah, but we'll also be putting them in danger for not snitching, and if they do, we'll yeah we're dead."

"I still don't think it's right."

"It's for our safety and theirs."

"No, I have to at least tell Pansy and Astoria, and...Draco."

"I agree." Ezra chimed in.

The debate went on for quite some time and keep in mind it was around two in the morning they appeared at me door.

We finally decided, we would let Astoria, Pansy, Draco and Enzo know. Astoria and Pansy are our first priority, Jess insisted on Draco although none of us wanted the bleached blonde ferret to know, but we agreed nonetheless, and Enzo is loyal, and he's close with Marcus and will keep our secret, until we leave at least, he's also loyal to his friends, so we'll let him know further into our plan, and having Allie's in the manor could also help us sneak info to hogwarts if needed. Worst case scenario being we get caught by adults before our escape, it's not just that, we need to make sure no one finds out about our disappearance before we get settled, we have to reach hogwarts, safe and take our important belongings with us, we also have to make sure we leave no traces and lastly, I have save Lucia.

We agreed on a plan and everyone started to go back to their rooms, it was around four in the morning.

They all left and I lay down on my bed, but I couldn't sleep, the numerous ways this plan could fail kept popping up in my head.

I heard a tap on my window and got up to take a look. It was an owl with a letter. He dropped the letter in front of me then flew off again.

I carefully looked at the cursive writing on the letter under the moonlight, and which was beginning to be replaced by the sun's rays.

'To, My Nightingale.'

Mattheo's POV:

-The next morning

I woke up early, but I barely got any sleep last night.

I knew it was inevitable, I knew we would die sooner or later, but I wasn't prepared for it in the slightest. Death stings, that's well known, but the fear that any of us could be summoned and killed at any time is what's worse.

I stayed up most of the night, couldn't sleep and kept tossing and turning. I decided to read for some time, but that didn't help. I wondered how she was. I wished I could go back to the night we were last together. Funny how I grew so attached after meeting someone only twice, without even seeing her face, but something about her, feels so surreal, as if I've known her my whole life, like I've fallen for her a second time. I wrote her a letter to pass the time and to make sure she was alright.

I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to see the boys there, very quiet, as expected Theodore wasn't with them, poor guy, he tried denying it but it was obvious he really liked Daphne.

I couldn't imagine if that happened to me...

She's the only thing on my mind, the only thing keeping me going, the hope of seeing her again is enough to give me some peace of mind.

Pansy's POV:

It was finally morning. Astoria had spent the rest of the night locked up in her room and I had returned to mine.

I cried myself to sleep. Daphne didn't deserve this and neither did Astoria. I tried staying strong for her and barely managed.

I felt so lost. All the awful things ays this man at could end now sounded inevitable, but there was still hope.

I got up and walked into the bathroom to see my tear stained face and messed up hair in the mirror. I was a mess.

I got on the shower and turned on the water  to the coldest setting and embraced the cold and it soothed my nerves enough to think straight as I heard a knock on my door.


Is it obvious I'm trying to speed things up? I'm bored and want to start fresh with a new book, I can't help comparing myself to all the amazing authors at the same time I have a reading addiction. I took two days to finish this chapter, writing one word every half an hour.

Why are you all so good at writing?

I've changed my original sixty chapters to like forty five, calculating each plot point and I've skipped so many great details I wanted to include.

Ily ❤️

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