37. Plan in action

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Im cringing at some of the quotes from the cast but I can't blame myself too much cause I did it literally at three in the morning, so I was like, lemme just write whatever and then I published it the next day, why was it three am? I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I worked on one of my drafts which just had a cover.

But basically I'll change them while editing and I won't actually include them in the story.

Lyra's POV:

It's the evening, we leave at midnight.

I've done all my packing, I've spent most of my time in my room, Eliana or Marcus would occasionally visit and stay for a couple minutes.

Riddle has been doing worse, skipping meals, getting wasted as shit, avoiding everyone.

Just a couple more hours.

I'll first send my letters and some other smaller objects in a small chest to the Nightshade manor with a note to tell Lucinda to put it in a secure place in my room, that is obviously after I'm in hogwarts and safe with the others, then I'll have to settle in, somehow convince them we're with them then stay hidden because now Deatheaters run hogwarts.

A couple hours pass by, I just sit alone, rereading my letters, reading books or simply getting lost in thought. I skip all my meals, but nobody looks into in that much cause most of us have started doing it, Riddle, Astoria, Theodore, Jess, and me.

It's almost midnight, we leave in half an hour, the anticipation is killing me, I'm counting down each minute.

I heard a knock and walked up to the door and turned the knob it was Eliana.

"Ready?" She asked lowly, the hall was dim lit but it was obvious she looked pale, her eyes had dark circles and bags, and her usual neatly tied hair had strands falling from several directions, I've never seen Eliana this drained before.

"Mhm." I mumbled.

"Double check to make sure." She said.

I simply went back to my dresser and pulled some drawers which I had already gone through and just as I was about to close the last drawer, something caught my eye, a pendant, not any pendant, the pendant he gave me.

I hadn't touched it since that night, I kept it at the back for safety, just looking at it made my heart warm up and made me smile. It reminded me of him and all the amazing moments we shared, even it was just two nights.

I took it out and carefully examined it before quickly putting it in my pocket along with my small dagger which I strapped to my thigh and lastly, I took my wand in hand.

I stepped out where Eliana was and looked back at my room one last time, technically it wasn't my room, it was in the Malfoy manor.

We walked up to the roof, we decided flight would be the best option to go without stirring unwanted attention.

Ezra, Marcus and Jess were there. Marcus was unusually quiet, Ezra stared at his feet and Jess seemed to be having a mental debate on something.

They noticed us and walked towards us.

We shared a brief encounter and exchanged a few words to make sure we were ready.

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