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In all the years Jimin had been a doctor, of all the blood, gruesome deaths of people so young and old he had seen so far, he had never experienced something so heartbreaking.

His right hand quickly went to cover his mouth, and he felt a painful bowl move in his stomach. He couldn’t believe what he saw. He didn’t want to witness any of it, not when it shouldn't hurt this much, but it was tearing him to shreds.

“Oh no, not you,” Jimin whispered brokenly.

A few feet from where he stood, right in the middle of the road, the handsome boy from across the street lay almost lifeless in a pool of his own blood, his Iron man scooter crashed to pieces some feet away from him.

Jimin let out a gut-wrenching sob as he rushed forward, pushing through the quickly thickening crowd of people to the boy’s body.

“Oh my goodness, is he dead? Someone, please call an ambulance,” someone in the crowd was screaming, and some other people were crying on top of their voices, but Jimin couldn’t hear none of it.

All he could see was the handsome boy from across the street who had been so full of life, now laying down fighting for a chance to take his next breath.

‘No, no, no, please don’t let this be true,’ he sobbed, ‘this can not be happening.’

With very shaky hands and tears running down his face, he knelt down in front of the boy to feel for a pulse and when he felt even the tiniest hint of life beat weakly against his finger tips, he was pushed into immediate action.

He quickly took off his gown and folded it into a messy heap. He then lifted the boy’s head into his lap and pressed the gown down on the wound on the side of the boy’s head to control the bleeding.

In the meantime, he somehow managed to call in an emergency at the hospital while at the same time trying to keep the boy sound until help came.

“Stay with me, please angel. I need you to stay with me.” He pleaded with the boy who was losing the struggle to keep his eyes open, ignoring the slight hint of panic that threatened his sensibilities when he realized how much he meant every word.

He cradled him in his arms, using his body to keep the make do bandage in place, caressing his forehead lightly with his unoccupied hand and softly whispering reassuring words to him, begging him to hold on a little longer. He struggled to hold back his tears at the hopelessness of the situation.

‘This is not fair, please,’ the cold prince pleaded. Even though he barely believed in the supernatural, he pleaded with fate to change its course just this one time.

“He-he- please just let him live.”
The doctor in him knew the bitter truth.

Only the rarest of miracles could save the boy’s life. But the man in him wanted to hope that maybe tomorrow, for the first time in forever, he could come out to the street and see the boy from across the street smile shyly at him again. And he would be happy again.

It didn't take long for Dr. Jae and a medical team from the hospital to arrive and lift the boy out of Jimin’s arms onto a gurney. An oxygen mask was placed onto his face, and more pressure was placed on his wound to stop the bleeding, which was still running insane.

Jimin stayed right by his side through it all because he felt like he was the closest thing to family the boy had in that moment and also because the boy had his fingers wrapped weakly around Jimin’s thumb refusing to let go.

Before the doctors could kart him to hospital, Jimin felt him tag weakly at his thumb and he looked down to catch him move his oxygen mask to the side of his face with a weak shove and struggle to tell him something but only to end up choking on his blood.

“Please don’t say anything. You need all your strength to get through this angel,” Jimin tried to reason with him and place the mask back on him, but the boy was not having it. Instead, he again tagged at his thumb to make him bend towards him.

Jimin took his hand in one of his and used the other one to gently caress his forehead as he bent down to hear what he had to say.

“J-eon,” the boy whispered incoherently, a new gush of blood pouring out of his mouth with each attempt, “my na-na-me is J-eon Jung-kook. I- I just th-ought you sh-ould kn-ow,” he said before the light in his eyes started to vanquish, his hand still loosely in Jimin hold.

“Jeon Jung Kook,” Jimin, who had been listening keenly to every broken syllable from the boy’s mouth, bitterly tested the name on his lips in a strained whisper as his heart shuttered in a million pieces.

His knees gave then and he sank to the ground in a defeated heap. The boy from across the street, Jeon Jungkook, was badly hurt.

“Jeon Jungkook, I need you to promise me you will stay alive, even if I have to make a trip to the high heavens on foot and have a chat with the big man himself, but please do not leave just yet.”

Jungkook gave him a weak squeeze in response before his eyes completely shut down, and his hand slid out of Jimin's hold, falling to his side.

He watched in tears as a concerned Jae, and the team rushed to move the boy to the hospital.

His hand moved to massage his chest in an attempt to blunt out the pain gashing out of him, but nothing was working.

The innocent beautiful Jungkook could have died, and that hurt like no hell could possibly ever.

“You gave me your word, Jungkookie-” Jimin gave a half-hearted threat, “-and I am not a man who forgives broken promises ever."

"So live because you must Jungkookie, because if you die, I will forget your name-no I would never, I will erase your sweet charming face from my memory-your beautiful face will haunt me for the rest of my life, and I will live like this evening never happened-I couldn't and not from lack of trying."

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