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He was losing his mind. That had to be it.

That had to be the sole reason why he had rushed through a thick thong of Monday morning traffic, on his urgent way to see his therapist after six months of putting his regular sessions on hold.

A faceless waving boy, a nameless boy, visited him regularly in his dreams since a few weeks after his accident. Him, Jungkook was friends with, him with neither a name nor a face he looked forward to seeing every night, thought about all through the day until his mind went numb with ideas of who he might possibly be. A dear friend, or perhaps a dearly beloved lover, he forgot about? He longed to know him.

The faceless boy who showed up just when he was drowning so deep in the quicksand of his trauma and charged his heart, pulling him back to the surface, giving him life and love.

Something was terribly wrong with his most  recent  dreams though. And it all started with meeting Jongsu’s boyfriend’s best friend, Jimin.

Since their business meeting, Jimin successfully occupied every waking moment of Jungkook’s life.

All he could think about was Jimin, his gorgeous eyes, his blinding smile and his intelligence, general sweetness, dry humor, and even his sassiness.

Jimin was beautiful. He could easily be the most beautiful human being alive, and no contest could arise because that, Jungkook’s body and soul knew the very moment he laid eyes on him.

He also knew he was in love with the man, or at least halfway done with the process. Fighting his stubborn heart on how absurd and fast the whole process was proving to be was not something he was willing to take on ever.

The man was gorgeous, perfect in every sense of the way and all the way up there out of Jungkook’s league.

If such a man wanted him as desperately as Jimin said he did, he was shamelessly going to take everything he offered with two open arms and hope he can live up to his saintly standards even just a little.

What had him gutted in tight knots, though, and what was now warranting his urgent visit to his therapist, was Jimin trespassing on his dreams too, stealing his most treasured, most sacred dreams and making them his own.

His faceless waving boy who always visited him in his dreams after his accident suddenly wore Jimin’s face, and it fit him like a glove.

Jimin, clad in a white lab coat and blue scrubs, smiled at him, waved at him in every new dream.

Jungkook’s faceless boy had varnished. And in his place, every night, in every dream, was Jimin with his beautiful smile beckoning to him and he could swear both his dream heart and physical heart burnt with much more fire and love he could touch the feeling with his physical hands.

One of the consequences of Jungkook’s accident was selective amnesia, and that he had sadly resigned to live with.

The depression and empty void of sadness that sat in the very center of his heart, squeezing painfully every now and then was a reality he had accepted to be his long after waking up in that hospital bed with no answers as to why, mainly because he knew he had to be grateful for all the memories that were left with him.

So he went through each day, trying and failing to remember, falling deeper into his void. Believing that maybe what he had lost in the accident was really nothing to cry about even when he felt a great sense of loss and his tears never stopped coming.

Until one night, the visits had begun. And then the nothing he had wanted to believe he had lost with his accident suddenly seemed to be something or someone major.

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