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Barely a week into the scandal and Jongsu had had it up to his last nerve with Jungkook.

He was tired of trying to help when clearly Jungkook wanted to ruin his own life by himself. He was half tempted to let him do just that and all hell be damned.

“Jungkook ah, have you completely gone nuts?” He screamed in frustration from his end of the line. He couldn’t believe how the younger could get the mind to play his husband dirty like that.


“Don’t you dare hyung me, I am not your hyung.”

“I don’t understand why you are so angry, hyung, you know why I did that interview.”

“He doesn’t know why I am so angry, he doesn’t fucking know why I am so angry.”

Jongsu wanted to punch him so bad. He was lucky he way safely out of the reach of Jongsu’s itchy fist.

At this point, he didn’t care for whatever excuse Jungkook had for pulling this stunt. It didn’t matter that he knew that Jungkook was not cheating on Jimin with that model. That he just needed to free himself from Jimin’s clutches the best way he knew how.

It didn’t matter that he knew the reason Jungkook was in Kyoto was to forget Jimin, and that he wanted to ask Jimin for a divorce on his return to Korea.

It didn’t matter that he didn’t understand why Jimin had been talking about his husband and marriage in such a manner with a mysterious friend.

All that mattered was that Jungkook had gone too far this time. And the consequences of this particular action scared the hell out of him.

“Hyung?” Jungkook called to his best friend after receiving no response from him for a few seconds.

“I told you not to hyung me Jungkook, not when you never listen to my advice,” Jongsu complained into his phone.

“ I warned you not to do this. I warned you not to take your freedom at the expense of another’s happiness regardless of how bad they have hurt you.”

“Hyung, it’s not like Jimin would mind a little transgression from a husband he only married for money,” Jungkook countered.

“He won’t what?” Jongsu’s voice was now laced with actual anger vibrated off the glass walls of his office. He was beginning to attract attention of the staff.

“Did you just say your husband won’t mind you cuckolding him and dragging his name everywhere?”

“I never dragged nobody’s name nowhere hyung, and neither did I cuckold anyone,” Jungkook vehemently defended himself. Even though it was important that Jimin and he get a divorce, he just hated the thought of Jimin thinking he could ever cheat on him more than he wanted a divorce.

He was starting to feel the weight of the noose of his reckless interview tighten around his neck.

“ Tell that to Jimin and to the whole world that now thinks they have a free pass to judge him over matters they know nothing about.”

“What do you mean judge him?” Jingkookwas confused.

“I never gave any details about our marriage, I only said we are not together and have not been for almost a year and that we are both trying to moving on the best way we can.”

“It was either that, or they would assume the worst.”

“The worst?” Jongsu laughed.

“Jungkook, what could knock the worst out of the mess you have made of things?”

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