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“Jeon-Park Jimin!” Jungkook who was wearing only an apron with no shirt underneath called after his husband who was now running up the stairs, all the buttons of his shirt open, with their cat, Minu hot on his heels meowing in excitement after the two had successfully stolen  mouthfuls of ramen.

“You can not be running up and down the stairs so fast like that. You may hurt yourself.”

It was now a fully established fact, Jimin and Minu were going to be the death of him.

It was now three years after the accident, and the thought of Jimin being in any sort of pain still gave him nightmares.

The culprit simply paused to giggle at his husband who was now trying to set the table for their lunch and proceeded on his merry run back to the bedroom where he had been working on his hospital’s project before the aroma of the food had become too much for his big appetite.
They had both been working at home a lot these days.

With Jungkook’s Kyoto project assigned to another executive, he was back at his office in Korea. He had made his schedule a lot more flexible by delegating as much work as possible to his capable employees in order to create enough bonding time with his husband.

Jimin on the other hand was doing a lot of home based administrative work these days just because Jae wouldn’t let him step a foot in his office, except in cases of extreme emergencies that only specifically called for Jimin’s expert intervention.
Even though Jimin’s accident had been really mild and not life threatening and had happened a long time ago, Jae was still dramatizing the whole incident and making it an excuse to keep Jimin back at home three days a week cuddled in with Jungkook.

The whole scheme reeked of Jongsu’s influence on Jae, an attempt to buy Jungkook as much time alone with Jimin as they could. And since Jae was the only one who could ban Jimin from going to work, he had issued the order, and Jimin had followed it blindly.

Only because Jae was his best friend and he had asked him nicely. Not because he too wanted to work from home and spend time with his Jungkook.

Everything was great now. Life was perfect when the first thing Jungkook saw when he woke up every morning was Jimin’s beautiful smile.

His soulmate, best friend, lover, husband, confidant, and inspiration was once again taking a lifelong journey with him.

Five years of their lives were stolen from them by misunderstandings and mistrust. Now, they were trying to put all that behind them and take brilliant steps towards a long rest of their lives together.

Jimin still wore a few scars from their past. But he nolonger felt like their marriage was beyond repair. In the beginning, it had taken him some time to accept any physical intimacy from Jungkook beyond kissing.

He had still struggled with fully trusting Jungkook not to hurt him again.

He believed in dependability and trustworthiness the most, and giving himself completely to someone he didn’t trust wholeheartedly was not his style, even if that person was Jungkook whom he loved to bits.

He had wanted to make love to Jungkook so bad, but he had also needed to be sure Jungkook was in it for real this time.

He had also wanted to hold on to his hard to get image and not give in to his body for a while longer. He had worked so hard to cultivate it. Days of depriving himself of the pleasure he knew was just a breadth away, the torture of sleeping in the same bed with the man he loved so much and not being able to touch him in every way he wanted even though he knew they both wanted it. He was not letting all that go down the drain just like that. The image had to stick for a reasonable while else all his efforts would be in vain.

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