9「dorm room competition」5

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"Haaaa, I'm so beat!" Kirishima sighed as he slouched down onto one of the chairs in the main lounge area of the first level. Accompanying him was Midoriya, Kaminari, Sero, Sato, Tokoyami, Mineta and Iida. 

"You and me both. You done unpacking?" Sero commented, causing the redhead to nod.

"I think so."

"Feels good, right?" Midoriya smiled, referring to finally being finished with making the dorm their own, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I know we could have died, but it's kinda exciting to be living here!" Kaminari said with a bright grin.


"A unified class! It's the perfect way to increase our cooperation and discipline, how smart!" Iida did his hand motions some more as if this was a major discovery, and Kirishima glanced over at him with some kind of expression on his face.

"So you never relax, do you?" He asked, though everyone figured that was rhetorical. Suddenly though, footsteps were heard and soon some of their other classmates came into view.

"Hiya boys~ all done with your rooms?" Ashido asked, in a yellow shirt and PE pants as they came up with the others. 

"Yep, we're just unwinding now." Kaminari answered cheerfully with a peace sign. 

"Well, the girls and I have been talking and--" She broke off as Hagakure interrupted. 

"We have a great idea!" the invisible girl squealed. 

"Let's go around and see who has the coolest room!" the pinkette finished off. Immediately, some of the boys practically turned to stone. 


It was too late, they were set and off they went to investigate each room in the new 1-A Heights Alliance dorm. First off was Midoriya, who just about had a heart attack from embarrassment as his fanboy side was revealed with all of his All Might Stuff. Aoyama's room was as one would expect. Shinso's room was after his, and it was very plain, all things considered. The purplette wasn't around though, which sparked the question: where was he?

"He's watching Power Puff Girls with Mihoko," Midoriya informed the group. "She really likes that show for some reason."

"Hey, don't question a young girl's preferences!"

"I'm not!"

"Keep it that way!"

Going to the other side of the third floor, Tokoyami was not having the best day when Ashido and Hagakure shoved them off of guarding their door and invaded their room despite their protests, but it was over and done with except for the shame. Shoji's was pretty plain, so then the group headed up to the next floor. 

"Oh yeah, where's Izak?" Kirishima questioned as they all got off of the elevator on the right side of the fourth floor. 

"He just finished helping Yaomomo shrink her bed a bit to fit in her room, I think he went back to his side of the floor though," Uraraka told him. 

"He probably wouldn't be into this anyway," Kaminari said. "He can see everything if he really tries."

"Yeah, can't hide anything from him."

"Wait, doesn't that mean---" Mineta was cut off. 

"Izak isn't a pervert like you, Mineta, shut up."


"Uh, because he's a decent person with boundaries and standards? Get with the program."

The rest of the rooms were either really personalized or sort of plain. When they got to the fifth floor's right side, everyone was in for a surprise. "THEY HAVE A RABBIT! ITS SO CUTE!!!!"

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