4「the perfect name」7

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(Late Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a good time and got lots of good presents! Your present to me should be to COMMENT A BUNCH! My Ko-Fi page is also linked in my profile if anyone's feeling generous, but, your comment goal is 15, so I suppose just that will do. Good luck and happy reading!)

"King Explosion Murder."

"I'm gonna say that one's a little too violent," The R-rated hero said, causing Bakugo to whipped to face her.


"Why don't you be explosion boy?" Kirishima pitched in, grinning because he knew he was going to piss the guy off.

"You shut up weird hair! Why don't we go outside and I'll show you exactly why murder should be in my name!" Before Bakugo could do any damage, he was sent back to his seat, and the next person went. Uraraka stood at the front of the class with her whiteboard displaying the name she had written down.

"This is the name I thought of," She smiled nervously. "Uravity!"

"I just love that," Midnight accepted happily, causing the teen to breath a sigh of relief and go back to her seat. "To be honest, choosing names is going faster than I thought it would." Midnight observed, glancing around the classroom after a brief look at the clock. "All we have left is Morgan and Bakugo, who need to rethink theirs, and Iida and Shinso, oh and Midoriya too."

"I'll go next," Shinso stood up and made his way to the front of the room and displayed his whiteboard. "Mindjack."

"Perfect!" The R-rated hero winked at him, then hummed as Izak took his place at the podium. "Ready for another try, Morgan?"

"Yes," the maroonette confirmed, then turned his whiteboard towards his classmates. Eyebrows shot up at the name, which none of them had thought of in regards to Izak, but it made sense if they really thought about it. He hadn't been showing much of his ego lately, but this really reminded them that Izak thought and knew he was above everybody: "The empyrean hero, Aether."

"Wow, now that's unique." Midnight hummed, her eyes sparkling. "Very well, nice revision."

"Cool," Izak peaced, then took his whiteboard back to his desk and sat down. Shinso gave him a smile and a thumbs up, so he nodded to him in turn. The next person to go was Iida, who displayed his whiteboard.

"You're using your real name too?" Midnight sounded surprised, but sighed and accepted it anyway. "Well Midoriya, are you ready?" She asked him, startling him slightly.

"Oh, yes," He rose from his seat, hesitantly making his way to the front of the classroom. Placing his white board on the podium, almost everyone gasped and had to do a double take of what was written there.

"Really Midoriya?" Mineta frowned.

"You sure about that?" Kaminari looked concerned.

"Yeah man, remember," Kirishima piped up, "That can be your name forever."

"Right," Midoriya looked down at the kanji he had written. "I used to hate it, but then something changed. I guess someone taught me that it could have a different meaning, and that had a huge impact on how I felt, so now," He smiled. "I really like it. Deku, that has to be my code name."

The atmosphere around the classroom softened like this was some sort of momentous occasion for Midoriya to move past his trauma and to shake off the shackles of the name that Bakugo had labeled him with as helpless, instead making it his trademark. For him, Izak thought as he watched Midoriya go back to his desk, no name could be better.

"Lord Explosion Murder!" Bakugo tried again, but Midnight just deadpanned at him.

"That's basically the same thing."

In the end, Bakugo did not choose a reasonable hero name and thus was left code-nameless.

“Now that everyone has decided on their hero names,” Aizawa started a while later, straightening a stack of paper, “We can go back to talking about your upcoming internships.” He continued, “They'll last for one week. As for who you'll be working with, those of you who are on the board will choose from among your offers. Everyone else will have a different list.” He held up a sheet of paper, “You have a lot to think about, there are around 40 agencies across the country who have agreed to take on interns from your class. Each agency has a different specialty that its heroes focus on. Keep that in mind.”

“Imagine you were Thirteen,” Midnight chimed in, “You'd want to choose a place that focuses on rescuing people, not fighting villains, understand?”

“Think carefully before you decide.” Aizawa warned.

“Yes sir!” The class chanted, and then two pros started passing out the papers with everyone's options on them.

“Turn in your choices before the weekend.” Aizawa said after the bell had rung, signalling the end of homeroom class.

“We've only got two days?!” Sero demanded.

“Yeah, so you should start now. Morgan, come to the office during lunch and we'll talk over yours.” Aizawa grumbled, carrying his sleeping bag over his shoulder as he glanced back at his students. “You're dismissed.” With that, he shut the door and the next class began momentarily.

And then lunch time came around. Everyone was chatting about what agency they were thinking of going to, or how hard it was to choose one. As Izak was getting up to go to see Aizawa in the faculty lounge, Todoroki stepped up in front of him. "Izak," He addressed, causing the boy to raise an eyebrow with a hum.


"Do you.." The two-toned trailed off quietly. "..Mind coming over this weekend?"

"..Sure, I don't see why not," Izak blinked, then glanced at Shinso. "Mihoko said you guys were planning to go to the arcade this weekend, right?"

"That's right," The purplehead confirmed.

"Great," Todoroki smiled slightly. "Can I have your number?"

"Here, you can hold onto my phone while I go talk to Aizawa," Izak handed over the device as he sauntered towards the door. "No passcode."

"Oh..kay.." Todoroki blinked when suddenly several people pounced on him for a chance to get a look at what was on Izak's phone. Shinso sweatdropped at the sight and quickly made his own way out of the classroom, going towards the cafeteria for some lunch.

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