1「bus ride」4

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"So, Morgan is going to work on becoming a healing hero, huh?" Recovery Girl asked as she, Aizawa, Nezu and Izak sat in the principal's office. "With the job he did on Midoriya, I'm sure he will do wonderfully in the future as well."

"Thanks for saying so," Izak nodded to her, and she smiled lightly at him.

"Yes, thank you Recovery Girl," Nezu nodded to the old lady. "And Erasure, what are your thoughts on this matter?"

"It would be more balanced than it is now, considering how many of the students have voiced how unfair it is that Izak doesn't have to participate in hero training. I'm all for it," Aizawa supplied straightforwardly.

"I see," the mammel folded his hands together. "Very well, then we are in agreement. Izak Morgan will be allowed to use his quirk, but only for the purpose of healing others. Restoring property damage may be done if permission is granted by a teacher. Is this acceptable to you, Morgan?" He asked the person in question, causing him to shrug slightly.

"Yeah, seems fine to me. Won't have to sit inside a fake weapon anymore, so that'll be nice," He hummed, and thus the precedent was set.

"Oh, also," Nezu stopped Izak and Aizawa before they could exit his office. "Present Mic said he could start your private tutoring next week. It would be at your apartment every other day, Morgan."

"Sounds good. I'll let Mihoko know," Izak agreed.

"I'll drive you back," Aizawa offered, so the maroonette nodded and off they went. When they arrived at the apartment, Mihoko was just getting home.

"Oh, hello!" She greeted respectfully when she saw Erasure with Izak. "Nice to see you again, sir."

"You too," He nodded to her, his expression softening from his usual hardass look. The teenager raised an eyebrow before inviting him inside for a drink. "No thanks, I was just checking in. I'm glad it looks like things are going well with you two."

"Mhm, living with Izzy is the best!" Mihoko grinned. "I get hot chocolate all the time!"

"Good for you," This time a smile crept on the pro's face, only lasting a short while before it disappeared. "See you tomorrow Izak, get ready for a big day of hero training."

"Sure, bye," He peaced at him, he and Mihoko seeing Aizawa off. Once he was out of sight, the two entered the apartment and closed the door behind them.


The announcement was made at 12:30pm. "Today's training will be a little different." Aizawa started off as he stood at the front of the classroom.

"You'll have three instructors: Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Everyone looked startled at the amount of pros there were going to be, but Izak just yawned.

"Sir!" Sero suddenly piped up, "What kind of training is this?"

"Rescue." He told him as he showed everyone the card with that exact word on it. "You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks and stuff like that."

"Disasters, huh? Looks like we'll be in for a big workout." Kaminari grinned at the thought.

"Totally!" Ashido agreed, looking excited.

"Real hero stuff, this is what separates the men from the boys." Kirishima told Kaminari, a huge grin on his face. "I'm shaking with excitement!"

"Finally I'll be able to show how good I am in water, ribbit." Asui smiled.

"Guys I'm not finished yet." Aizawa grumbled in annoyance, and everyone shut their mouths so he could speak. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes," He clicked a button that caused the costume suitcases to appear.

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