5「internships day two」2

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(Some people are gonna like this chapter a lot, hehe. Happy reading~}

"Morgan, no."

"Why not?"

"Why not? Seriously? Morgan," Aizawa facepalmed. "That could be considered bodily harm."

"How is it bodily harm when it would be consentual?" Izak demanded as his teacher shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if its consentual," He scowled at him. "With the way you're proposing it, it could be seen as coercion. Think about it, Morgan," He looked him straight in the eye. "You would be stopping a natural bodily process."

"That hurts people."

"It doesn't hurt people--"

"Right, I guess it would only hurt those with uteruses," Izak muttered thoughtfully, making the stealth hero facepalm again with a heavy sigh. They had been arguing about why Izak shouldn't offer to get rid of girls' periods. Since he had only learned about periods that day, he had been instantly disgusted and appalled as to why someone had to go through pain and bleeding for a week every month.

Thus, he had said the next time he saw any of his female classmates, he was going to offer to stop their periods, which was what led them to this discussion. Personally, Aizawa couldn't care less, but as a representative of the law to this miguided living weapon, he had to be stoic and serious about this so Izak didn't do anything without permission.

"Oh, right," Izak suddenly glanced at the clock. "Think we can end here? Mihoko got mad that I wasn't home for dinner yesterday."

"Yeah, that's fine," Eraser waved him off, one hand still over his face. Thus, Izak went home as Aizawa debated with himself on whether he should continue to oppose what the maroonette wanted to do or if he should encourage it.

"Look who I ran into on my way home today!" Mihoko beamed when Izak came in the door. Once again, Giran had graced the apartment with his presence.

"Howdy," He nodded to the teen, who returned the gesture before giving Mihoko a look.

"Don't look at me like that," She huffed and crossed her arms. "I tried to call you but your phone was off. So I texted you too."

"Oh," Izak vaguely remembered Aizawa telling him to turn his phone off before the morals class started. "Sorry."

"Then gimme two hot chocolates tonight!" Mihoko demanded.

"Sure," he snapped, and two hot chocolates appeared in front of the little girl, so she was very content for the rest of the night. "Thank you for accompanying Miho," Izak told Giran, who chuckled with a nod.

"Of course, it's always a pleasure to be with the young lady. By the way," He tilted his head. "I believe I saw you at the sports festival. You're in class 1A?"

"That's right," The maroonette confirmed.

"And your name is Morgan Izak," Giran hummed, a sparkle in his eye as everything finally registered. "Say, would it be alright if I stuck around for dinner again? I haven't been able to get the taste of your food off my mind these past few days."

"I don't see a problem with it," Izak said. "That reminds me, Miho, go wash your hands."

"Ha!" She pointed at him. "Joke's on you, I already did!"

"Then do it again."


"Because you never know if something that you touched is dirty enough to get you sick."

"Ugh, fine!" She stomped off to the bathroom, leaving her hot chocolate on the table in her usual spot.

"You have quite the handle on her," Giran observed before glancing around. "Is Shinso not here?"

"Nah, this week is internships, so he's off doing his. I'm interning with a local hero, so I get to come home," The maroonette explained. "He'll be back by Monday."

"Ah, I see," The guest said, smiling as his thoughts raced. Yes, this is definitely the perfect time to ask. "Then, I have a request to ask of you if you don't mind."

"Sure, go for it," Izak looked intrigued, giving his guest his full attention.

"It's just, there's a friend of mine that's having a rough time, and I think it might do him some good to get a change of scenery," He explained, so the teen nodded.

"I get that. You'll have to ask Miho too since she gets final say on most things, but if she says yes," He dug his thumb back towards the couches. "Both of those are pull out beds, so he's more than welcome to crash here."

"Oh, that's quite handy," Giran raised his eyebrows right as Mihoko emerged from the bathroom. "I'll go wash my hands too," He said, moving past her with a smile. She grinned back and bounded over to the table to reclaim her hot chocolate.

"So, Mister Giran's friend needs somewhere to stay?" the little girl glanced at her guardian, who raised an eyebrow at her. "It's not my fault you guys were loud."

"...Talk with him when he's done," Izak rolled his eyes as he sat down and took out his phone. Turning it back on, he found that he had three missed calls from Mihoko and two texts from her, so at least her story held up. There were also a few texts from the 1A group chat he had mysteriously been added to.

"Mister Giran!" Mihoko called as the older man exited the bathroom. "Izzy said you had something you wanted to talk to me about?"

"That I did, Miho," Their guest nodded with another smile as he squatted down in front of her. "A friend of mine needs a place to stay for a bit, so I was wondering if I could bring him by?"

"Sure!" Mihoko agreed. "I'd love to have another friend around!"

"Thank you, little miss," Giran said as he straightened, exchanging a nod with Izak. With that, the maroonette snapped and made an assortment of food appear, so the three all dug in after a brief thank you.

At that moment, Shinso felt his stomach rumble, but he ignored it as he kept moving with his supervisor.

"I'll be sure to contact you both when I get a hold of him, hopefully within the next day or so," Giran told the two once dinner was over. "Thank you again, I owe you one."

"Think nothing of it," Izak denied. "Get back safe."

"Will do," Giran tipped his hate to the two. "Good luck with your internship, Izak, and good luck with school, Miho."

"Thank you mister Giran!" Mihoko waved as he left, then beamed up at her guardian. "Lemme show you the picture I drew today!"

"Sure," Izak agreed, closing the door. And thus, all was well with the world.

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