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"DAMMIT!" Bakugo growled, sweat pouring off of him as he panted heavily. In front of him stood Izak, his arms crossed and his eyes gazing scrutinizingly at him. Aizawa was a ways away, sitting with Mihoko who was playing with some dolls she had brought. The explosive blonde had just fired off five of his huge explosions, and his body was trembling with the exertion of it.

The sixth one he had gone to set off had been much less potent, and his arms had gone from a prickling sort of numb to a jabbing pain going from the tip of his fingers to the joint of his shoulder. "Considering you haven't had proper quirk training, being able to do this much is impressive," Izak surmised after a few seconds. "We'll stop here for now, but in future, try and get up to being able to seven of those explosions, since they are good weapons for long distance attacks. Next time, let's work more on your close combat."

"Fine," Bakugo grunted, using the back of his hand to wipe away some of the sweat on his forehead. In any other instance, he would have insisted on doing the close combat right then and there, but he could sense that if he tried to push his quirk any further that day, there might be some lasting damage.

"Done?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow lazily as the maroonette walked over to him, nodding in response. "Mihoko told me you won't be available for any training on Sunday," His lips twisted upwards as he glanced at the girl, who looked quite smug about that fact.

"That's right. She wants us to have a day to ourselves," Izak explained as he sat down between the teacher and the girl.

"I want Izzy to myself for at least one day a week," Mihoko instantly snuggled up to him, so he let her climb into his lap and secure herself by wrapping his arms around her loosely. The pro exhaled, a slight smile on his face as he looked at the two.


"I'm leaving," Bakugo said, having just returned after cooling down a bit more.

"Okay, see you later," Izak told him, causing the boy to pause midstep. Glancing back at the maroonette briefly, Bakugo then kept walking.

"...I'll text you." And just like that, he made his way off campus and went home. Izak hummed at the last remark, and then Mihoko was shaking him by the neck.


"Calm down Mihoko," Izak deadpanned as he continued to be shaken. "Your teacher has my number in the emergency contact file, so--"

"THAT'S NOT THE SAME THIIING!" She screamed, switching how she was shaking him from back and forth to side to side. At least her arms are getting a work out, the guardian thought to himself.

"Are you saying you want a phone?"


"So you don't want a phone?"


"Good luck with that," Aizawa was up and making his escape, making the deadpan on Izak's face deepen to a bit of a grimace. After a few more moments of Mihoko shaking Izak, he decided he was done and took her hands off his throat.

"How about this," He proposed while looking her in the eye. "Tomorrow, we can go get you a phone, and the first number in it will be mine, alright?"

"Hmph," She narrowed her eyes at him before pursing her lips and looking away. "I guess that's acceptable."

"Good. Then shall we go?" He asked, gesturing for her to get off of his lap. Scrambling up, the girl waited for her guardian to stand and dust himself off before she took his hand and the two walked home together.

Meanwhile, Aizawa was glaring at his phone as it was practically blown up with calls and texts from All Might. He had just gotten home, showered, and it was during the time he was in the shower that the man decided to make a nuicence of himself by spamming his colleague.

Said colleague was anything but thrilled at the constant ringing from his phone, especially since he was unable to check or stop the notifications. Once he had gotten out of the shower, the pro didn't even bother to dry off before turning off his phone. Aizawa was going to dry off, chill out, and then turn his phone back on to see what in the ever loving world the number one hero wanted from him.

Doing those things in that exact order, Aizawa soon found himself sighing. All Might was requesting that Izak work with Midoriya every day for an hour until the sports festival. His first thought was the spitefully deny it, but then Aizawa pursed his lips. He knew Izak would be able to get Midoriya up to speed in terms of stopping him from hurting himself when using his quirk.

Therefore, there was little reason as to why he should deny this request. The only issue was that Bakugo had reserved Saturdays as his day with Izak, and the pro suspected that next Saturday's training session would go on for much longer than the one that day had. There was also the fact that Mihoko had rightfully demanded a day to have Izak to herself, which was apparently going to be Sundays, so that left only weekdays for Izak to train with Midoriya.

Explaining that to All Might took a bit of time to type out, but once it was sent, the number one hero replied almost instantly saying that only having weekday training should be more than enough. After that, Aizawa relaxed a bit more, petting the several cats that came to sit and mingle around him. Once he had had his fill of the peace and quiet and cats, he donned his hero costume and went out for a patrol.

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