2「the park」6

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"We are going to the park!" Mihoko exacted. It was morning, and she had just thrown Izak's door open to proclaim this plan of action, causing the boy that had been snoozing to open his eyes and raise an eyebrow at her.

"Okay?" He blinked once, then again as she stood firm in the doorway. "Is there something else, Mihoko?"

"Yes," She frowned at him, crossing her arms. "Hurry up and get out of bed already! I'm hungry, and I want hot chocolate."

"On the table," Izak groaned, flipping over so that the light from the hallway was no longer in his eyes. Skeptically, Mihoko returned to the living room, and was happy to find that there was, in fact, breakfast and hot chocolate awaiting her on the table. It was surprising since he hadn't snapped like he usually did, but as long as she got it, the seven year old was happy.

She really was spoiled by Izak, wasn't she?

Eventually, about twenty minutes after the little girl had gone to wake him, Izak came trudging out of his room, joining his charge in the living room, though she was already done with her breakfast and had taken up residence on the couch, rewatching the new episode that had aired the night before.

Not commenting, Izak quickly ate something he randomly concoked, then downed a glass of water and allowed his plate, utensils and glass to disappear as he moved towards Mihoko, who was happily watching her show. "So, when did you want to leave?"

"I wanna get there the same time as we did last time!" She exclaimed, so Izak glanced at the clock on the wall. Since we got there around 2:30pm last time, we should leave in about two hours, he surmised to himself before patting the little girl on the head and going through the door. "Where are you going?"

"I have homework to do," He made a face at her, and she instantly fake-gaged. Rolling his eyes at her antics, the maroonette made his way to his room and got started on the assignments he needed to get done. Usually he would have already completed them, but the training session with Bakugo had gone on for a bit longer than he had expected, so low and behold, he hadn't been able to get it done.

The two hours were more than enough time for the teen to finish everything he needed to get done, and then with maybe ten minutes to spare, Izak and Mihoko were out the door. The latter of the two was skipping and humming the entire way there, gazing up at the sky as she held her guardian's hand. He could practically see the question in her eyes: would that person be there today?

Izak figured that the reason she wanted to go to the park was to see the guy that had proposed they play together the next time they would meet, which the fickle girl and responded with an 'I'll think about it' like she usually did when she was being cynical. It was cute, in a way, but could also be very annoying in the moment.

Arriving almost on the dot of 2:30pm, the two split up, one once again going to the play structure while the other headed to the swing set, just like the last time. And sure enough, their unidentified friend appeared. "My my, fancy seeing you here," He greeted with a tip of his hat, causing the teen to peace at him as Mihoko floundered over.

"Hello mister!" She greeted with a grin.

"Hello little miss, how are you doing today?" He returned, smiling just as brightly. "I do apologize, but I just got done with a smoke so I might smell a bit.."

"No problem! I don't smell anything," Mihoko said. "So, what's your name, mister?"

"Ah, my name is Giran, it's nice to meet you," He held his hand out, causing the little girl to shake it.

"Nice to meet you too, sorry about before. My name is Miho!" She introduced herself as well. "That's Izak, he's watching out for me," She winked at her guardian, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her.

"That's right," Izak eventually confirmed. "Out for some air again?"

"Yeah, business is still rather slow," The man groaned. "But I'm sure it will pick up soon. Say, are you a UA student?" He asked, peering at him with an intrigued smile.

"Mhm," The boy nodded, and Giran whistled.

"Then you must be excited for the sports festival coming up! Only three chances in a lifetime, right?" He chimed, only for the maroonette to shrug.

"I'm probably gonna throw it since I'd rather not stand out," He muttered, causing the older man to frown.

"Oh, that's too bad, but it is your choice after all," Giran said before turning his attention back to the little girl. "Are you going to be watching the sports festival, Miho?"

"I dunno," she blinked up at him, then looked to her guardian for an answer.

"You can if you want, but you don't have to," He responded to her look, causing the little girl to pout at him.

"Then I will!" She huffed. "You gotta get me the best seats! I wanna watch my Izzy be amazing up close and personal!"

"..Sure thing," The teenager sweatdropped. He didn't know how to break it to her that nobody was really up close and personal since it was a colosseum layout, but he supposed Mihoko would find out by herself when the time came.

"Then I'mma get back to the slide, bye Mister Giran!" Mihoko quickly excused herself with a slight bow towards the older man, leaving him and Izak alone to chat if they wished to.

"May I sit with you?" Giran asked after a moment of watching the little girl scamper off, and Izak hummed his agreement. Just like last time, the older man took a seat on the swing next to Izak's, both of them beginning to sway as silence overtook them.

It was a peaceful day outside, with a few clouds overhead yet the sun was still shining enough for the temperature to be somewhat warm. The sounds of Mihoko's happy laughter from going down that slide for the umpteenth time was a good background noise. Having the presence of someone beside him was also pleasant in Izak's opinion.

It felt nice, just existing like that.

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