5「internships day one」1

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(Hello all, comment goal is 17 so good luck.)

"I chose my father's agency for my internship," Todoroki told Izak the next morning. Everyone was in the classroom, bussling with excitement as they got their things together. The maroonette blinked at his new pupil.

"Cool, good for you."

"We.. also talked a bit yesterday," The two-toned boy said hesitantly. "I still don't know how to feel about him, though. But," His eyes were firm as he maintained eye contact with Izak. "Since he has the skills to be the number two hero, it should be worth it to intern with him."

"Okay," Izak sort of deadpanned. He had specifically said he wasn't a fan of trauma dumping, and yet here this dude was, trying to dump some trauma. "Good luck, then."

"I was thinking," Todoroki kept going before Izak could excuse himself from the conversation. "After internships, would you come visit my mom with me?"

"I said I would, didn't I?" Izak gave him a look.

"You guys seem awfully close lately~" Ashido commented with a bit of a grin. The maroonette only shrugged.

"We are friends, after all," Todoroki replied, and a surprised look crossed the pink girl's face.

"Oh yeah?" She glanced at Izak for confirmation, but once again, he only shrugged. "That's good, then! It's nice seeing you more talkative, Todoroki!" She beamed, and he nodded stiffly.

"Thanks." His eyes went to Izak as the maroonette moved to go grab his costume suitcase from the shelves, his being one of the last to leave. And then, when the shelves were empty and Aizawa had turned up, the class headed to the station.

“Everyone has their costumes right?” Aizawa checked as he and everyone in class 1A stood in the station, “Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet, and don't lose them or anything.”

“Gotcha!” Ashido exclaimed happily.

“Speak properly, it's yes sir, Ashido.” Aizawa corrected, which caused her to deflate. 

“Yes sir.” She sulked, clutching her hero costume suitcase sadly.

“Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it.” Aizawa told the group.

“Yes sir!” They nodded, and then everyone went off to find the train they were supposed to catch. Shinso gave Izak one last nod before heading off himself. He had gotten his hero costume a few days before their internships were supposed to begin, and so Izak had gotten permission from Aizawa to train his roommate for a few hours, just so he could get some experience in his new costume.

The training had yielded surprising results. Hitoshi was a quick learner, so he had gotten the hang of his vocal modulators within the first thirty minutes. The rest of the time, he, Izak and Aizawa had worked on his capture weapon skills, which had mostly left the guy tangled. However, Izak could see the improvement, and by the end of the training session, Shinso had good enough control that the maroonette deemed he would be able to do at least decently at his internship.

Back in the present, Izak went with Aizawa and exited the station once all of the class 1A students had gone on their way. "We aren't going to be doing much during the day since I only patrol at night," Eraser informed his charge as they walked.

"I figured as much," Izak said in return. "So do I get the day off or not?"

"Since you chose to stick with me," A smirk slid onto the pro's face. "You'll be taking some morality classes instead during the day."

"Oh," Izak deadpanned. He wasn't looking forward to that at all. It made sense that they needed to reprogram him to not think that everyone was below him and all that, but everything they had done so far had been practically useless.

Well, maybe not completely useless since he hadn't killed anyone since the USJ attack, so that was something. Though, Izak assumed that the reprogramming thing was supposed to get him to stop thinking about killing people rather than just stopping him from doing it. In that case, they hadn't succeeded at all. He'd wanted to kill at least twenty people that morning alone, but hadn't done so since Shinso had been with him.

If there were no eyes and ears on him, Izak probably would have killed at least three of those twenty people. It would've been a bit of a pain to manipulate all of the security cameras in the area, but the results would have been very satisfying. "The hell are you thinking about?" Aizawa glared at his intern, who looked like he had something devious in mind.

"Hm? Oh, nothing unusual," Izak blinked at him. "So, morality classes start today?"

"Yeah, so we're going back to the school. You're gonna get the classroom to yourself, brat."


From there, the two returned to UA, where Aizawa and Izak spent a good portion of the day going through scenarios and why Izak had to respect everyone as human beings, not just annoyances he had to deal with as he kept living.

That was ridiculous though, since Izak barely saw anyone as human beings. Usually, unless he really focused on the human form, all he could see were the molecules that made up the person. That had also been why he hadn't noticed that Todoroki's scar had been healed, because the molecules on his face had barely been any different.

Patrol was endlessly boring. All he and Aizawa did was go from building top to building top. Even when they did catch someone, it was just a pervert being perverted to a girl, so it was not only boring but needlessly gross. If it had been up to Izak, he'd have zapped the guy out of existence without a second thought. Those molecules could have been doing something much more productive than being trapped as a pervert's body, anyway.

They wrapped up patrol around 6am, so Izak was allowed to retire for a few hours. Mihoko was still sleeping when he got back to the apartment, but had written him an angry note about how she'd had to scrounge up her own food that night and how dare he not feed her.

Humming to himself, Izak left some breakfast out for her before going to his room and crashing. Morality classes started at 1pm, so he got to sleep until noon. At that time, his kid had gone to school and there was another note, telling him that she'd better see him for dinner or else. The vague threat made the maroonette snort. That's so like her, he mused as he tucked the note away and made his way out of the apartment.

Thus, the second day of internships began.

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