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(Welcome to July everyone! Atomic Struggle will be updating every other Saturday this month, so I hope you guys are ready! Comment goal is 23, so good luck and happy reading~)






"Haa.." Izak sighed. It was almost noon, and even though the class had made headway, the dirt monsters were practically endless, and he was starting to get annoyed. He had refreshed everyone at least four times each, and he'd almost gotten attacked by the dirt monsters ten times that amount. It sucked that he wasn't allowed to fight because it would have been so much easier that way, but of course, Aizawa was a sadist.

At least he took Mihoko with him instead of giving us another person to protect, Izak thought to himself briefly as he jogged behind Todoroki and Bakugo, who were quibbling. It ended up taking another two hours before they all made it to the campsite, and even though their clothes were dirty to all hell, no one was injured or exhausted, just a bit tired from the mental strain.

"You said it would only be like three hours," Sero complained as the class all stood in front of their teacher and the two pussycats.

"I guess we timed it based on how long it would take us," Mandalay answered sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Now you're bragging about how much better you are?" Sato gawked. "That's so mean!"

"I'm starving!" Kirishima whined. "This is hell!"

"Meow meow meow meow!" Pixiebob beamed from behind her paws. "I thought it would take you kids even longer! But you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would~" She smiled and lowered her paws slightly. "You guys were seriously great, even if Aether did help you. Especially the four of you!" Pixiebob pointed at Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugo, who just blinked at her. "It seems you've got quite a bit of experience!" She licked her lips. "I call dibs on these kittens! I'll groom them myself!"

"That was poorly worded," Izak grimaced as she started fawning over the four while they shielded themselves.

"Mandalay, has she always been like this?" Aizawa asked.

"It's gotten worse lately," The brunette explained. "She's at the age to take a mate."

"Speaking of people's ages--" Midoriya attempted to speak up, but Pixiebob wasn't having it and shoved her paw in his face.

"Choose your next words carefully, boy," She warned.

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier," He spoke through the paw in his face, pointing at Kota who was standing a bit away from Mandalay. "Who is that kid, what's he doing here?"

"Oh, this little guy?" Mandalay smiled. "He's my cousin's son who lives with us now. Don't be shy Kota, say hi to everyone," She encouraged. "You're gonna be around them for the next week." Mihoko grimaced from beside Aizawa, already knowing how that would turn out from her interaction with him earlier.

"Hey there," Midoriya went over to greet Kota, and Mihoko watched with narrowed eyes to see what kind of reception he would get from the kid. She did not expect him to get punched in the balls.


"A low blow! You fiend of a child! A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!"

"And that's why I went non-binary," Bakugo huffed as the greenette wilted onto Iida, who was attempting to hold him up.

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes!" Kota seethed with a heated glare.

"Wannabe?! How old are you kid?!"

"What a brat."

"He's like a mini version of you."

"Wh-What are you talking about?!" Bakugo spluttered, marching over and getting up in Todoroki's face. "You can just shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell!"

"Yeah sure."

"Enough playing around," Aizawa refocused everyone from that spectacle. "Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have lunch in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow, your training starts in earnest, and no one," He gave the class a pointed look. "Is getting any refreshes from Morgan, clear?"

"Yes sir.." the class groaned.

"For anyone non-binary, you can either use whatever room you're comfortable with. If you don't want to room with a gender, we have a third room for you," Mandalay told the students.

"Where are you going to bunk?" Shinso asked Izak as they got their things off the bus, causing the maroonette to shrug.

"I'll go with the genderless room, since less people will be there," He answered. The teen soon found out that the genderless room was more packed than the other rooms from the amount of people there, considering everyone that had gone non-binary had chosen to be in the genderless room as well.

"Heya!" Ashido greeted. Tokoyami and Shoji nodded to him.

"Hey man," Ojiro smiled with a nod of his own.

"Glad you could join us," Bakugo smirked as he dumped his stuff down, causing Koda to flinch at the sudden noise. Izak blinked, then let out a breath as he went to set his things down by the blonde. After arranging everything, all of the students headed to the cafeteria for a late 3 o'clock lunch.

"No." Izak said, not even looking at Mihoko as she gave him puppy-dog eyes, her hands folded in front of her in prayer like that would somehow get her guardian to subtly make her food.


"No," He repeated. "Eat your food, Mihoko. Don't be wasteful." He told her sternly, causing her puppy eyes to turn sad and a pout to set on her face as she accepted her fate and began begrudgingly eating the food she had been given by the pussycats. It definitely wasn't anywhere near as good as what she knew from Izak, but it was acceptable enough that she didn't complain further.

"It's like you guys haven't eaten in a week," Pixiebob sweatdropped at Kirishima and Kaminari when they managed to sniff out the meat in her hand from all the way across the room. "Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you, so make sure you kids enjoy it~"


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