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(Congrats on another chapter, everyone! Comment goal is now 13, so good luck and happy reading~}

"Calm down."

"I am calm."

"I was talking to myself."

"Oh." Izak sweatdropped. He and Shinso were outside of the latter's house. They had had breakfast at the apartment where Mihoko had walked Shinso through how to differentiate between Izak using his quirk verses not using his quirk.

Basically, they ignored Izak using his quirk unless they were out in public, but even then it was pretty ignored since Izak usually only used his quirk to make things go easier or faster. Shinso had discovered this fact when Izak had teleported them to the front of his house with just a snap of his fingers, which is where they still were.

And then with one final breath, Shinso opened the door. "I'm back," He called as he and Izak took off their shoes. At the noise, two adults came into sight, one with purple hair just like Shinso's and the other with light brown hair.

"Ah, welcome back," The feminine one of the two greeted. "It's nice to meet you. Morgan, right?"

"Yes, it's nice to meet you too," Izak inclined his head. Shinso had already told his parents about the plan, and just as he had predicted, they needed some persuasion. "Sorry for the intrusion."

"It's alright," The masculine of the two adults said. "Come on in, let's talk more in the living room. We have some snacks and tea prepared if you're interested."

"Thank you," The maroonette replied as the couple led the way. Once they were all in the living room and sitting down, the feminine of the two adults spoke up.

"Hitoshi told us that he wanted to move in with you, another teenager with a child, so obviously we have questions and concerns," She went on after pausing for a moment to gaze at her spouse. "While we may not have been the most attentive parents, we can't just let Hitoshi go to an unsafe environment."

"I completely understand," Izak said, but both of the adults shook their heads.

"No, I don't think you do," The masculine one sighed. "We're just as worried for you as we are for Hitoshi. Well," He grimaced at his wife's angry look. "I am, at least. Hitoshi's quirk is special, and I'm sure it would be hard to deal with a kid and him at the same time."

"Not at all," Izak denied easily. "My kid doesn't have a quirk, and she's well behaved, so I only have to coerce her into taking baths since she doesn't like to for some reason. Hitoshi--" Shinso felt a shiver run down his spine at Izak using his given name. "--is the same age as me, and thanks to his power, someone I see as an equal. While that power may seem devious to some, as long as he is under my care, I will make sure that he uses it well."

"I..I see," Shinso's mother glanced down at her hands. "I wish I had the courage to say those things, but to be honest, both of us," She intertwined one of her hands with her husband's. "Have been wary of Hitoshi ever since his quirk developed."

"That's only natural," Shinso's father grumbled.

"But anyway," the feminine one of the two sent a sharp look his way before returning her gaze to their guest. "It's not like we want Hitoshi to leave home so soon, so this is a little difficult.."

"I don't know if this will make you feel better, but," Izak produced his platinum card, causing the two adults to gawk at it. "I have more than enough funds to support myself, my kid, and Hitoshi."

"Then by all means!" Shinso's father readily agreed. "He can be packed up and ready to go by the end of the day!"

"Right, I suppose we were worrying for nothing," His mother giggled, and Shinso blinked at the sudden change. Money really does change people.

"So I take it I have your permission?" Izak asked, leaning back in the chair he had occupied, and the two adults nodded readily.

"Yes, please take good care of our son!" They confirmed, and just like that, Shinso was allowed to live with Izak.

"I feel like I just got sold," Shinso grumbled as he and his new roommate stood in his room. When his parents had offered to help pack all of Shinso's things, Izak had lied and told them that his teleportation quirk would take care of it, so they left them alone to do the teleporting. Guess he's not supposed to reveal what his quirk is, Shinso deduced as he waited for Izak to transport them back to the apartment.

And then, with a snap of his fingers, all of Shinso's things were gone. Another snap, and the two of them also disappeared from the Shinso residence and reappeared in an alleyway near the apartment. So, they trekked the last few seconds to the front door, where Mihoko eagerly threw open the door to greet them. "A bunch of stuff just appeared!"

"That's all Shinso's so we should help him organise it, right?" Izak remarked as he took his shoes off, prompting their new roommate to do the same.

"Yeah!" Mihoko instantly agreed. Thus, for the rest of the day, Izak and Mihoko helped Shinso settle into his room, decorate it to his liking, and get comfortable around the apartment. His tooth brush and tooth paste were added to the bathroom along with his shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Of course, Mihoko and Shinso stopped for a hot chocolate break a few times, which Izak found to be quite interesting. Is my hot chocolate that addictive? He asked himself.

The next day, which Izak and Shinso had off to recover from the sports festival, was spent just hanging out and getting used to having another presence around. Mihoko had to go to school, but when she got back, she had a new plaque with the new addition written on it. "Good job," Izak patted her head as she beamed.

So, together with Shinso, they stepped outside, took down the old sign, and replaced it with the new one that stated Morgan Izak, Morgan Mihoko and Shinso Hitoshi Residence in English. Looking at that with Mihoko holding both his and Izak's hand made Shinso really, truly believe that he was finally, truly home.

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