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A few days later, Saturday came around. "IT'S TIIIIIME!" Mihoko screeched as she threw open Izak's door at 6am, causing his eyes to flutter open against their will. 

"...Time for what, exactly?" 


"No, that starts at 11am, not 6 in the morning," He corrected, turning over so that he was no longer looking at his overexcited child. 

"It's okay Miho, we can just play for a bit and wait for Izak and Hitoshi to get up when they're ready," Toga suggested. She had been sleeping over for the past few days because technically she was supposed to have been there until Friday by herself, but low and behold that's not what happened. Instead, she got to sleepover with Mihoko, having the time of their lives. 

Izak had drawn the line when Toga had asked for a body so she and Mihoko could cut it up together, but that had been the only real issue that had come up. Otherwise, they were just two girls having fun together. 

Eventually, after getting a bit more shut-eye, Izak got up around 9am. As he emerged from his room and went into the living room, he found that Shinso had been captured and had been made to be Blossom since Mihoko was Buttercup and Toga was Bubbles. 

"Alright, that's enough for now, come eat," Izak called as he moved over to the table, breakfast appearing as he sat down. 

"Mkay!" Toga and Mihoko darted over, sitting down as well with excited giggles as Shinso made his way over a lot calmer, or more depressed. 

"I cannot keep up with their energy," He mumbled to Izak as he took the seat beside the head of the household, causing the maroonette to hum his own agreement. 

"Thanks for the food," They all murmured before digging in. It was as good as it always was, and of course Izak supplied each of his charges with hot chocolate, he himself choosing to have apple juice instead. By the time they were all done eating, they still had an hour and a half until the official start of the marathon, so Toga and Mihoko got back to messing around. 

But that was only after dressing Izak up as one of the supporting characters known as Professor Utonium. He was apparently the parent of the power puff girls, so Toga and Mihoko had thought it fitting that Izak was the one to be the professor. Luckily his costume was just a white button up shirt, a black tie, black pants and shoes with a white lab coat, so Izak didn't complain. 

He felt extremely sorry for Twice when he heard Mihoko telling Toga that Twice would be the main antagonist, known as Mojo Jojo, who was a monkey. Hopefully she doesn't try to pick on Spinner because of his appearance, Izak suddenly thought to himself, since I haven't really exposed her much to heteromorph quirks like his, and I don't think she has any in her class either.

This might just turn out to be a train wreck, Izak facepalmed right as the doorbell rang. "I'LL GET IT!" Mihoko shouted, bursting out of the living room and almost running into the door. Luckily she stopped in time, so she was able to pull the door open without having concerned those outside of it. 


"Jin!" The two exclaimed, holding their arms out dramatically. Then the brunette jumped into the dude's arms and laughed happily as he spun her around. 

"I almost didn't recognize you but your voice gave you away!"

"You sayin' I'm fat?!"

"You're fatter than me!"

"Say that again! I guess that's true.."

"Ah, like it?" Giran asked as he stepped past them as the two separated from their hug. "I had a hard time procuring it, but it suits him, doesn't it?" He smiled, gesturing to Twice. The man with multiple personalities was no longer wearing a bag over his head, now sporting a black and grey full body spandex costume. If Izak hadn't known who it was thanks to his molecular structure, he also wouldn't have been able to recognize the guy. 

"It does suit him well," Izak agreed. "Thanks for coming."

"Wouldn't have missed it," The broker assured him. 

"Of course! Now how else can I make a fool of myself?" Twice asked, and Shinso sweatdropped from behind Izak. He hadn't met Twice before, but he could tell that something was mentally wrong with him. 

"You look absolutely perfect to be Mojo Jojo!" Toga suddenly squealed, causing all eyes to fall on her. 

"Who's this chick?" Twice squinted, or at least looked like he squinted since his mask didn't show his eyes. "You're really pretty! What a creep!"

"Thank you!" The blonde girl beamed. "My name is Toga Himiko, nice to meet you, Jin was it?"

"Yeah, come on Jin, let's go inside!" Mihoko jumped in, grabbing the man's hand and tugging him into the house as Toga giggled and led the way into the living room. 

"So, Toga seems pretty comfortable here," Giran commented as he, Izak and Shinso trailed after the other three. Izak shrugged. 

"Let her housesit until we got back a few days ago, and she's been having sleepovers with Miho ever since. She'll probably head out at some point, but I don't mind," He said, his lips twitching upwards ever so slightly. "Plus she matches Miho's energy, so it's a great help."

"Ah, is that so?" Giran mused. "I'm glad to hear that. I was worried that she'd caused you trouble."

"Nope," Shinso replied. "She's just a bit weird sometimes, but it's not something all that concerning."

Being obsessed with blood isn't something that's concerning? Giran almost made a face, but managed to keep his expression in check with another smile. As the guests settled in, the doorbell rang again, so Mihoko ran to get that one too, but Giran went with her since he knew that she hadn't met any of the other attendees. 

As they were greeting Spinner and Mr. Compress, Izak turned on the TV. It was on a news channel, and before he could turn it to the recordings of Powerpuff Girls, he squinted at what was being reported. All Might's resignation had been all over the news for the past couple of days, as well as praise and criticism of UA. But that wasn't what was being reported. 

Somebody was going around and burning people in back alleys with blue flames, and now Izak had a bad feeling that the rest of the day might not go as smoothly as he had been expecting. 

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