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(Comment goal is now 16! Good luck and happy reading~ hope you laugh as much as Mihoko does this chapter~}

Meanwhile, Izak had gotten to the faculty office where he was now standing behind Aizawa, who was looking over some materials. "You didn't get a list, right?" The stealth hero asked as he spun around, a slip of paper in his hand as Izak shook his head.

"Nope. My paper was blank," he replied, so Aizawa nodded and held out the slip.

"Good. This is your list," He said as the boy took it and looked over the names. "Since it portains to you, the government was directly involved in the making of this list. As you can see, you only have two options: me or Sir Nighteye." He explained.

"Only two, huh?" Izak hummed as he looked over the names a few more times. "So I take it that the government thinks this nighteye guy can handle me?"

"Yes," Eraserhead confirmed. "He won't be as effective as I would be, but his expertise lies in keeping things from happening, so if you were going to do something bad, he would be able to predict that and hopefully keep it from happening," He said before adding, "Sir Nighteye also signed an NDA so nothing about you nor your quirk will get out."

"Good for him," The maroonette mumbled mindlessly, too busy pondering. Did he want to take a risk and go with someone he didn't know anything about, or did he want to play it safe and stay with Aizawa for the week of internships?

If it was put that way, his answer was obvious. "I look forward to working with you, Eraserhead," Izak handed the sheet back, causing the pro hero to smirk slightly.

"Alright then. Hope you don't regret it," He dismissed him to go to lunch, and the rest of the day went as school days usually went. Izak's phone had more contacts when he got back to the classroom, though, so that was a bit odd to him.

"Welcome back!" Mihoko beamed as Izak and Shinso came through the door and began taking their shoes off. "How was your first day with Izzy, Shinso?"

"It was good. Um," Shinso's eyes flitted away for a moment before they returned to the little girl, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "You can call me Hitoshi, you know," He said, then looked towards Izak. "You can too, Izak."

"Kay," The maroonette agreed as he made his way into his room and shutting the door, leaving the two to gaze at the shut door, share a look, and then sigh.

"Wanna watch power puff girls with me?"

"Sure," Hitoshi chuckled, following the prancing girl into the living room. There, the two sat down on the three-seater couch, where Mihoko turned on the tv and scrolled onto the subscription that offered the power puff girls show.

"So tell me about your day! What is Izzy like in school?" Mihoko prompted a few minutes after the show had been turned on, so the purplehead indulged her.

"Izak is pretty quiet most of the time. He doesn't get called on, but most of the class seems to be friendly towards him. The guy that has the half hot half cold quirk asked him to hang out this weekend while we're at the arcade," He informed her, causing the little girl to make a face.

"So Izzy has friends? And I was making it so they couldn't hang out?" She frowned. "That's no good at all."

"I'm sure none of them feel that way," Shinso sweatdropped, trying to figure out a way to get her out of that line of thought. Then a transition came to mind. "We chose hero names today."

"YOU DID?!" Mihoko was instantly into it, the self-destructing thoughts long gone as she excitedly waited for their new roommate to go on.

"Well," He smiled slightly. "My hero name is Mindjack."

"THAT'S SO COOOL OH MY GOD!!" Mihoko squealed, bouncing up and down as Shinso chuckled at how childish and adorable the action was. "WHAT ABOUT IZZY? AND MIDDY? AND BAKUGO?" She demanded, getting closer to his face with each question. Hitoshi blinked and moved away ever so slightly to maintain his personal space.

"Bakugo didn't choose a hero name since all of the ones he wanted were too violent," He explained the odd one out, causing the little girl to snort.

"He totally would. It was something with die in it, wasn't it?" She sniggered.

"His first try was king explosion murder," Hitoshi supplied a second later. Mihoko burst out laughing, falling onto her back and squirming as she held her stomach.

"No way! That's too funny! No freaking way!"

"His second try was lord explosion murder." Shinso chuckled as Mihoko wheezed at the new information.


"That's exactly what our teacher said," The teen said with a shake of his head. It took a while, but Mihoko finally managed to get a hold of herself, still giggling a bit, but not as loudly or as violently as before.

"So, what about Middy and Izzy? What did they choose as their hero names?" She asked as she tamed her giggles enough to be able to talk normally.

"Midoriya chose Deku as his hero name, which apparently Bakugo gave him as an insult when they were kids," Hitoshi replied with a frown, which Mihoko mirrored.

"...Yeah, that does seem like something Bakugo would do," She sighed. "What about Izzy?"

"His hero name," Shinso glanced at the entrance. "is Aether, the empyrean hero."

"I have no idea what either of those things mean," Mihoko blinked at him, causing the boy to chuckle.

"Empyrean is an adjective that has to do with heaven or the sky," Shinso explained, "And Aether used be thought of as the personification of the sky, the fifth element, and the something that fills a region of the universe. It's basically a really old way of saying Izak is a god-like person," He finished, and Mihoko's mouth was hanging open.

"I didn't know Izzy was that smart!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Izak asked as he sauntered out from his room, causing the two to flinch and turn towards him.

"...Cause you're really awkward!"

"Just because I'm awkward doesn't mean I'm not smart, at least in the textbook sense," The maroonette rolled his eyes as he conjured up two hot chocolates for his two roommates and some water for himself. "So, how are the power puff girls fairing today?"

"Kicking butt, as usual!"

"Good," Izak plopped down on the other couch, and the rest of the day was spent hanging out and watching the power puff girls dominate any foe that had the misfortune of crossing their path.

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