୭̥⋆*。✽ 𝐥𝐱𝐢𝐱.

Start from the beginning

Seeing as Lita isn't back by the time I finish setting everything up, I start brewing her tea. I know she dislikes when someone else does it instead of her, but it's still a nice gesture I know she'll appreciate. If I'm being honest, I think the mistrust comes from Erin messing up her tea every single time the blonde offers to do it for her.

She comes back a minute later with Rose's sheets bunched up in her arms and heads to the washing machine before throwing them in there, with a tide pod and softener before turning it on. She enters the kitchen, smiling at me before telling me Rose is still asleep and back in her back, tucked in under the covers.

After placing a quick kiss on my cheek when passing by me, she goes to fill up the kettle again before I interrupt her. "I made you tea already." I say, pointing to the steaming cup on the table.

"Lemon ginger?" I nod. "With honey–"

"And the tiniest among of sugar, no milk. Yes." I finish saying before sitting down next to her at the table. Breakfast starts off simple, too busy to talk as we immediately begin to pass around the bread, the jams, and the butter, exchanging cutleries and filling each other's glasses with cold drinks.

"So, what happened last night?" I cut through the silence, asking, before I bit into my toast. She finishes eating before she releases a small sigh and begins explaining what went on last night.

"I couldn't sleep, and Rose found me in the kitchen. Poor thing had a nightmare and wetted her bed. We'll need to wash the sheets. And she was crying so much, all she wanted was a bottle. I didn't know if that was appropriate, but I had to do something, right? And I didn't plan on us falling asleep on the couch, but we did, I'm sorry." She concludes with an apology, which isn't surprising one bit.

"No, no. It's fine. You did good." I reassure her as best I can, placing a hand on top of hers and offering a smile and a small nod. "But no more sleeping on the couch. I won't allow it, only for naps." I joke to lift the mood, and it works as I manage to pull out a Lita a small giggle.

"Yes ma'am!" She playfully salutes.

Rose wakes up a bit after we finish breakfast. She looks exhausted, entering the room rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, the other holding Turbo close to her chest. She runs towards me, the second her eyes land on me after scanning the kitchen. She tries to climb up, but she doesn't want to let go of her toy, so she loses balance and I catch her before she can begin her fall.

Lita gets up to get her breakfast, while Rose and I just cuddle in silence for a bit. Something tells me she'll be extra clingy today... even more than I expected after Lita's revelations. Lita comes back with a bowl filled with Rose's favourite cereals and milk and a glass of orange juice in hand. She places them gently on the table, but Rose shows no sign of letting go of me. As soon as I try to at least turn her around so I can lift the spoon to her mouth, her hand takes a hold of my shirt, which makes it harder for me to do so.

It takes a while for us to get Rose to eat a little something, but she does eventually after making us promise to spend the entire day with her. We both agreed immediately, despite knowing we have a busy day ahead of us : me with Thanksgiving preparations for tomorrow, and Lita with whatever birthday celebration that she has planned for me, as she won't be there tomorrow. However, I'm sure we can make this work.

"Okay, so... How about we start with your Thanksgiving prep, and then we can go out this afternoon to celebrate you.? Does that sound like a good plan?" Lita suggests, and when I think about it, I feel like this is the most logical thing we can do. I agree to it immediately, and so does Rose when she hears Lita say she can be the sous chef. "Alright, let's all get ready and then we can start cooking!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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