"Kellen?" She asks softly; the files Rick had been trying to hide had now replaced the box she'd been carrying. Rick has also disappeared, "Shall we?" She gestures towards her office. I hate how formal she sounds. Once inside her office, I wait but don't sit down.

"What's wrong?" I ask immediately, stepping towards her. She instead makes her way around her desk- putting space between us, brushing me off again- I hate it, even more than the tormented look that crosses her expression as she glimpses inside one of the files Rick gave her before putting them inside a draw and sitting down tiredly.

"Pardon?" She asks, realizing I'd spoken. I clench my jaw, frustrated at her behaviour. "I don't understand what you're getting frustrated about," she continues, narrowing her eyes. "Yes, I have been getting your messages but no I haven't replied because I've been busy-" I make to say something but she holds up her hand and continues, while I'm momentarily surprised by the authority of the action- "besides, you're no doubt feeling how I felt, the last evening with your family."

It's my turn to narrow my eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Kellen, I'm not oblivious- so do me the favour and don't assume I am. It's not my business what was in that letter unless you choose to share it with me, but I got the distinct impression I wasn't welcome once it had been read and mentally shared with your family."

"You felt excluded?" I frown, feeling guilty again- Ana's right, I'd been treating her as oblivious, not expecting her to be nearly as observant as she really is. She raised her eyebrow in reply, clearly understanding my train of thought.

"Look," She begins again, standing and coming to stand in front of me- instinctively I wrap my arms around her and feel instantly more at peace for it, "I'm not trying to start an argument or deliberately make you feel guilty- just please try to understand-"

"I get it, we're both going to have things work wise we cant share with each other- we're just going to have to figure how to not let that effect out relationship." My guilt increases, could that letter be classed as royal business? I suppose it could be...I planned for it to be resolved before Ana had to know about it, so maybe I could avoid sharing it with her? "I'm sorry that you felt that way, it won't happen again. Is everything OK with you- I notice your pack is absent?"

"We're just busy. There's a lot of work to be done- we're fine." She kisses me, distracting me from a strange look I see cross her eye. I drop the thought and instead focus on being in the moment with her. "How about you spend some time here this evening? I could properly introduce the pack?"

"Sounds good, in the mean time you could give me a tour of the place?" I volunteer, hoping to spend as much time with her as I could before I had to go back and face any answers to the enquiries I'd had Brody make about the letter... I shudder at the prospect; it felt like I was standing on the tip of a double-edged sword- either side would cut deep if I slipped.

Around lunchtime, after the tour and as we were having a picnic in the grounds- my phone rings. "Sorry-" I apologize to Ana who shrugs in a 'what can you do' kind of way, "Hello?"

"Kellen," Begins Dad, authoritive, "You are to come back immediately, Alpha Roheim has been in touch with an issue about his paperwork for the policy; you and Maxim are to go and see him."

"That will mean staying over in the pack?" I make it a question, although thinking of how far away Alpha Roheim's pack was- we'd be staying the night regardless, even if we left today we wouldn't reach the pack till nightfall.

"Yes. Get back here now please. I want to go over the details for the journey." Leaving the order hanging, he hangs up and I sigh, turning to Ana whose expression is full of understanding.

"I'm gonna have to take a rein check on meeting your pack, my royal duties call." I tell her- the resignation prominent in my tone; I really don't want to leave her.

"It's OK, just make sure you stay safe. Don't worry about all this, I'll clear up," She motions to the picnic "Rick's inside the house, he'll show you out." Thanking her, our kiss is lingering since neither of us wanted to part but eventually I pull back and head back- wondering what issue Alpha Roheim could have with his paperwork that requires a visit rather than a phone-call....


AND WE ARE BACK! I have missed you all! Thank you so much for waiting, my exams are all over - dooms day is in August...

Anyway, COMMENTS & VOTES please? I love hearing from you! :D

Next upload = 12th July

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