Jiang Zhan was startled for a moment, raised his head, and looked at Bai Yan strangely for a while. After a while, he said, "I'll buy it for you."

Bai Yan put down the coffee cup and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Mr. Jiang wants to give me a house. ?"

Jiang Zhan said "hmm" through his nose, as if he was afraid that Bai Yan would refuse, and added: "Since you want me to buy it for you so much, then I will reward you."

Bai Yan looked at him for a while, Leng Buding asked: "When is the best time to move?"

"Since it's no longer safe for you to live here, it's better tomorrow."

Bai Yan asked Zhinao in his heart: "How long does it take to buy a house in this country and be ready to move?"

Zhinao searched Data on the Internet quickly answered: "One to two months."

In other words, Jiang Zhan planned to buy him a house a month or two ago. Thinking about it, it seemed that when he was having dinner with Jiang Zhan, he casually mentioned the reason why he wanted to buy a house.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhan actually kept it in mind and secretly prepared for so long.

Bai Yan wanted to laugh again. Seeing how pitiful Jiang Zhan was in making excuses every time, he didn't tease him too much. He just smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your kindness."

Jiang Zhan raised his head in a good mood and said reservedly: " Where's the coffee?"

Bai Yan laughed, took another white porcelain coffee cup, and poured a cup: "Mr. Jiang never drinks flavored drinks, doesn't he?"

Jiang Zhan took it and

took a sip without saying a word before saying : "I'll drink a little coffee."

When you stay up late working, you need coffee to cheer you up.

While the two were talking, the outside had become quiet again.

Bai Yan walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the night view, and said casually, "How about Mr. Jiang sleeping here tonight?" "


Bai Yan turned around and saw Jiang Zhan leaning on the sofa, already asleep. .

Bai Yan was startled for a moment, then the teasing expression on his face disappeared, and he slowly walked over.

Jiang Zhan was leaning on the leather sofa, breathing evenly. There were dark circles under his eyes, and he looked tired even if he fell asleep.

The coffee he just drank seemed to have no effect on him at all.

Bai Yan lowered his head, raised the corners of his lips in a soft arc, and sighed softly.

It seems that Jiang Zhan has barely had a good rest due to the Xinghai Group's affairs these days.

No wonder I asked him for coffee.

——He just didn’t hurry back to sleep and ran to him eagerly...

Bai Yan carefully laid Jiang Zhan down on the sofa, helped him change out of his coat and leather shoes, and took a soft pillow from the bedroom. and a thin cashmere blanket so that Jiang Zhan could sleep more comfortably.

After doing all this, Bai Yan picked up the coffee cup that Jiang Zhan took a sip from, sat next to Jiang Zhan, and looked down at the man who could not hide his dignity even though he was asleep.

In the past, when the two of them were alone, it was either when they were in estrus, their heads were dizzy, or when Bai Yan was teasing Jiang Zhan unilaterally, and they rarely had quiet time together.

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