chapter 06

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chapter six : and so he fell.
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you were about to finish your first week of school. so many eventful things happened on your first week, and you were eager to update your father on how it went.

after telling him all about the akuma attack, he was ready to pack his bags, come get you, and bring you back home. but you assured him that you were fine, and if he wanted to, he could visit you regularly if he ever has flights going to paris.

being an abroad student in the infamous city of paris, was definelty not how you imagined it to be. but as your new friends said, 'it makes life even more interesting.' you had gone through two akuma attacks. you never had seen the infamous chat noir or ladybug up close since that day, but alya never failed to inform you everything you needed to know and more on every attack.

ever since home room where you had explained your accident, word spread around, and almost every person in your class was extra careful around you, always making sure you were okay.

you grew slightly agitated at all the attention regarding your accident, but marinette reassured you it's just how her class shows sympathy.

"h-hi y/n, i hope you're doing okay today. i brought you a flower from my moms gardens today!" rose said offering you two brightly coloured roses. you thanked her and she giggled walking away. "y/n does your throat feel dry? i heard the air levels were bad today. i brought you a mask!" mylene offered as well. your smile couldn't help but turn crooked but you tried your best to look as cheerful as possible.

"nathaniel, i think i'm gonna explode from all this attention im getting.." you whispered face planting into your desk, as miss bustier began to teach. "miss popular? you could be just as popular as chloe, or even more." he whispered back nudging you slightly. you whined into your arms that covered your face.

being seatmates with nathaniel brought you two closer, although he wasn't in all your classes, you two have become friends. nathaniel told you he built walls in friendships, but you were slowly breaking it down. maybe it was the fact you bonded over how you couldn't draw,
while he was probably the best in paris.

you were so happy to befriend someone so easily, being in a whole new environment and culture, you were scared you wouldn't fit in. but as it turns out, the people were not as bad.

class was as normal, you jotted down your notes, small talked with nathaniel, shot funny faces with marinette and alya, and so on. home room was always so fun and relaxing, however having math right after made home room feel like it went by too fast.

you hated math, and unfortunately it was a requirement course at francis dupont. math was never your forte, but that didn't mean you could slack off, being an abroad student meant maintaining a certain grade.

once the bell rang, students packed their bag. marinette and alya had waved you a goodbye and mouthed a 'see you at lunch' which you surprisingly understood. "do you wanna chill with me in the art room? i heard that your math class was cancelled today" nathaniel asked, packing his things with you. "what? how do you know that and not me?" you asked piquing your head to the side. "i overheard max talking about it. he was really loud too, surprised you didn't catch on," he said. "honestly, i think i'll skip out. i really need to catch up on the math lessons i missed, and i feel like i would not be able to focus with you," nathaniel faked a scoff, but it sounded more like he had phlegm in his throat, which made you two laugh. "it's not my fault you can't focus, but fine, see you at lunch," he said patting your shoulder and leaving the class. letting out a big huff you threw your tote bag on and left class.

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