chapter 03

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chapter three : dejavu?
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"who are you?"
you asked eyebrows furrowed. everyone stared at you with wide eyes wondering where that unhinged question came from. you were quick to notice the eyes on you, 
nervously laughing as you waved the air in embarrassment. silence fell on everyone, including the boy infront of you. that stomach-pit feeling started to fade away, as you became obviously embarassed

"what a warm introduction y/n," a boy with a baseball cap chuckled, breaking the silence. "sorry guys! i didn't mean to come off so harsh," you stuttered, balling into a fist as you hit your head in embarrassment. "y-you just look so familiar, i kind of spoke before i thought,"

"oh! that's true, adrien's face is all over paris and on tv!"

"yeah, that's where you must've seen him from y/n,"

voices from around you chirped. you slowly nodded your head, your mouth making an 'O' shape. "he has a pretty unforgetable face..." you hear marinette add on, her face red.your eyes diverted back to the blonde boy who gave you an eye smile. "my names adrien agreste, nice to properly meet you," he smiled. his voice was warm. like the sun at noon, shining down on your skin, giving it a thousand kisses.

you mouthed adrien's name— it rolled off your tongue so easy, like a name you've called out a thousand times. had you knew an adrien back at your home country? you shook the thought away and fixed your focus on your classmates around of you.

after adrien gave his brief introduction, almost everyone in class decided to tell you theirs as well. you were so happy that you were finally able to put some names to faces, and learn a little bit about the personalities of your new classmates. with every answer they asked you, you tried your best to sound as interesting and sweet. you really wanted to make this one year count, and earn yourself new future best friends. you looked to the back of the classroom and saw nathaniel staring at you with a slight smile. you nodded to him and smiled back.

"y/n!" marinette said tapping your shoulder.

you looked backed at her, your zoned out trance disrupted. "have you visited any parts of paris' lately? tourist areas? cafes?" you put your hand on your cheek, thinking, but quickly shook your head after. "no actually, ever since i came to paris, i've just been focusing fixing my sleep schedule and unpacking..." you hit your head playfully again, "today's my first day actually getting proper paris breeze," you admit sillily.

marinette let out a silent gasp.
"oh mon dieu y/n," this conversation peaked adrien and nino's attention as they turned back listening to your guys conversation. "it's alright though! i got an entire year to explore all of paris, a couple days missed is no biggie," you said. marinette nodded.

"maybe we can tour you around paris? alya, my girlfriend and our friend, has been almost everywhere in paris—"

"her damn ladyblog adventures..."

the group of three chuckled. you titled your head asking what a ladyblog was. marinette let out a long sigh patting your arm. "you'll figure out soon. paris is all sorts of fun and mischief."

"i'm surprised you didn't at least visit the eiffel tower? that's paris' biggest attraction," you swooshed the air with your hands, shaking your head no. "i hate heights. just staring at the eiffel tower from below would probably get me dizzy! haha!" you laughed.

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