chapter 09

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chapter nine : mystery man.
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"cause time wasn't in our favour,
this isn't goodbye. it's a 'see you later'."

he was on your mind like crazy.
ever since chat noir saved you that one night, you've been itching to see him. it was like a fire started within you, and you needed to see him in order to fuel it.

you didn't know what this feeling was. there was really no thought process or emotion to wanting to meet the superhero again other then you just had this strange feeling that you needed to see him.

he was apart of your memories.

and they were frequent.

you figured maybe talking to him would give you more context to why you had these weird flashbacks of him. in these flashbacks, he didn't have a face to his name, but with such a unique name and being the only chat noir in the world, you knew that you had some connection with him.

it honestly gave you migraines whenever you thought about him, every night since that evening you tried your best to muster more dreams of him in hopes of finding an answer to why he appears in your memory fragments, but the same dream replays over and over.

a pretty scene— almost movie like, a girl in the arms of someone who seemed to be chat noir. it was a strange dream, but you knew it might've been an important piece to memories you might've forgotten.

it troubled you though because if that was the case, why did chat noir pretend like he never met you? and you've never step foot in paris in your entire life, had chat noir been to your hometown?

"arghhh!!!" you groaned. this was all too confusing. with blurred memories your only bet was to ask chat noir himself.

"y/n? care to explain to the class what's wrong?" your teacher asked. realization washed over you that you were at school. you quickly straightened your posture and apologized. "crazy y/n, that accident must've made you psycho! ha!" chloe screeched. you rolled your eyes and ignored her.

"what's wrong?" marinette whispered beside you. you two were deskmates in art class, you were thankful for this because she was super talented and you were... the opposite. you were thankful you had such artistic friends. you shook your head, "just thinking about something that bothers me" you said with a sigh. "honestly when i get stressed i just journal. or i ramble to myself until i feel okay" you nodded your head in silence. smiling appreciative at your kind friend who sat beside you.

once class was over, you packed your bags and bid marinette goodbye when she grabbed your arm. looking behind you wide eyed, she quickly apologized. "you always listen to me rant about my crush on you-know-who... so i'll redo the favour to you! i'm actually really good at advice just throw it at me" she said. you laughed and agreed.

marinette was so nice. there was something about her that seemed so refreshing. she was a very open person, however, she had a sentimental side to her, everyday something interesting was going on in her life, and she brought that energy with her throughout her days. it was probably why she was loved by many, as on your first day of school, she was surrounded by smiles and laughter.

and now you're happily apart of that too.

walking arms intertwined out of class, marinette urged you to tell her what's been on your mind. you took a deep breath before starting, "well actually... this is embarassing to admit, but i've thinking about chat noir." you said in a low tone. marinette gasped so loud, other students in the hallway turned their heads.

"you've been thinking about chat noir?!" she yelled. embarassed, you covered her mouth as she muffled. "shhh!" taking your hand off her mouth, that was comically wide open, you facepalmed.

"i know this sounds weird but, ever since i've come to paris, i've been getting these weird dreams, and it all started when i heard about chat noir," you noticed marinettes eyebrow raise, worried she might've thought you were crazy, you tried to be as vague as possible. "well to put it one way, im just.. reallt interested in him.. and i want to talk to him.." you mumbled defeated. "don't tell me you have a crush on chat noir!" she yelped in shock. "no i—"

"you like chat noir?" a familiar voice asked.

you turned around slowly to see adrien staring at you wide eyed. "no— i— i don't—" before you could muster up a proper sentence marinette stumbled greeting adrien to which adrien returned the hello.

"but back onto the topic, you like chat noir?" you groaned shaking your head frantically, embarrassed he may have heard the conversation between you and marinette. "well no— but i.. well, it's complicated" you stuttered.

you thought adrien was gonna tease you, maybe hype you up, or joke about how liking a superhero was crazy, but instead his eyes darkened and he stared at you with eyes cloudy— no emotion displayed on them. "you can't like chat noir. it's not allowed. stay away from him if you ever have feelings for him," adrien said leaving shortly after.

puzzled, you turned to marinette with a confused look. why did he respond like that? it sent waves of anxiety through your stomach.

what was so bad about liking him anyways? not that you actually liked him or anything. 

"what was that for? i wasn't expecting that" you noticed marinette bite her tongue, her expression turned of one full of thought. you could tell she wanted to say something but was holding back. the goofy aura disappeared into one of seriousness. "what? what is it?" she took a long breath, an aloof smile on her face. "well how do i say this.." she whispered to herself. "chat noir doesn't want to create bonds with civilians. you seriously do like chat noir, i wouldn't recommend trying to act upon it. superhero's may be kind and helpful when you need it, but it's best for it to be nothing more than that."

a small oh escaped your lips.

"i don't like chat noir. i- i don't know how to explain it, but i just need to see him." marinette sighed patting your back. "and that has to do with the dreams you've been having of him?" nodding, marinette shook her head. "i know your curious but for your safety i don't think you should involve yourself with paris' superhero's. it.. it never ends well y/n. from friend to friend."

after the conversation with marinette, you began to question all  aspects of your life, of being here in paris... everything. the purpose of these weird flashbacks, and what it had to do with you.

recieving such serious responses from your friends who only shon you smiles was an odd feeling. you weren't gonna admit to marinette, but it made you even more curious about chat noir.

you and adrien had tutoring together but after his cold and odd response, you decided to skip it. something about irritated adrien just didn't fit right to you.

walking along the streets of paris, you had no set destination, following wherever your feet took you. you found it quite weird you kept having these flashbacks of chat noir. doing your research, you found no trace of a chat noir back in your home country. he even wasnt that famous outside of france either. so, where did you know him from?

an odd feeling creeped up your back, a hair-raising itching feeling that made it feel like you knew him from somewhere, but where was the big question.

"maybe i was just a mere fan of him back then." you said, shrugging it off.

closing your eyes, you felt your head get light and you slowly started to drift off.

the cold breeze of paris, the new smell that arose the streets, the eery feeling of homeliness.

your heart clenching, you held your tshirt, and sighed. "who are you chat noir?" you whispered under your breath

𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 | adrien agreste.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora