I Still Love You

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Today going to school seemed like a task. You had too much on your mind to focus on. It was cold and raining. You were avoiding Ryo. You weren't talking to your friends.

You just felt drained in a way. It's not like you could sleep it off either. Vampires don't sleep. The only thing you could do, was keep on rolling.

You were walking down the hallway to your next class when you saw Alice and Jasper making their way towards you, hand in hand. Stopping in your tracks, Alice wraps her arms around you. "Yn! I haven't seen you around lately, is everything okay?" She asks sincerely.

"Of course. Why wouldn't everything be?" You brush it off with a short reply. Alice furrows her eyebrows and pulls back a little, while Jasper stares ahead blankly. You lightly push her shoulder with your right hand. "I'm fine Alice. Just bored." You reassured her. "When you get to be my age, nothings entertaining anymore." You giggle and she smiles. "With that mindset, you'll be bored forever!" She laughs.

From across the hall, you can see Bella and Edward talking to each other. It makes you think of Carlisle and how you were supposed to meet him tonight. "Yn." Jaspers cool voice reaches your ears, from in front of you. "Yes?" You didn't notice Alice leave in your haze of thoughts. "What's up?" You ask the blonde man staring blankly at you. "What are you thinking about?" He asks, glare not moving away from you.

"It's nothing. Just someone wants to see me later.."

'Yeah. Your father.'

You think to yourself. "Nobody important though." You lie. 'Who am I kidding?' Jasper still doesn't move his gaze away from you. If anything he only squints. You cross your arms and size him up. "Why are you looking at me like that Jas?" He sighs and blinks slowly. "I know you're lying. About what? That's none of my business." He starts. "Hopefully your meeting goes well. If you need any help, you can always come to us. We are friends after all." He says. You can't lie, it feels nice to hear something nice for a change. So you thank him.

"Thanks Jas. You don't know how much I needed to hear that." You sigh. The bells for class sounded throughout the hallway, causing you to wince at the high pitched noise. "I don't see how you can stand that sound." You say to the man that didn't even flinch. "I've been through worse." He says blankly. You raise your eyebrows and turn to walk to class. "I'll talk to ya later." You throw your hand up over your shoulder, before completely leaving his view.


It was now around time for you to meet Carlisle. As you were getting ready, you heard a door slam further down the house. It was obviously Ryo, so you didn't think too much about it. You did however take notice of the fact that you've never heard him slam a door before. 'Something bad must've happened' you try to stand your ground and not talk to him, but curiosity was nagging at your mind.

Following the door slam, you can hear him walking around and cursing in his mothers tongue. Saying things like "shine" and "temē". You didn't learn any Japanese in the past so you couldn't understand a word he was saying. This made you feel weird. 'What the hells going on with him?' But overall, you decided to ignore him.

Once again, you remind yourself that it's none of your business, and keep getting ready. Tonight, you had to dress to impress. You'd be damned if you looked a hot mess out in public. You even made sure you didn't overdress as to not embarrass yourself. Your hair was nicely done the way you wanted without a curl out of place.

Putting on your shoes at the door, you grab your keys and head out.


Arriving at the luxury home, you meet Carlisle at the door. He seemed to have dressed up to see you, wearing a dark blue dress shirt and black pants to match. His hair was nicely styled and he wore a light expensive smelling cologne. This alone made you weak in the knees. His smile must've been the tipping point because you couldn't keep eye contact anymore. Instead, you looked off to the side.

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