Cupids Aro in Volterra

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The private jet finally lands in Volterra Italy after a long flight from Washington.

Stepping out, you were greeted by Alec and Jane. Two high ranking members of the powerful coven your uncle was on top of.

You and Jane were more or less neutral with each other, not having any unnecessary conversations with each other. Your uncle seemed impressed with how you didn't react to her ability. Also with how he couldn't see into your mind.

Your and Alec's relationship also seemed somewhat neutral with each other. Only greeting each other when you happen to pass by.

The Volturi is the biggest most feared coven there is. In comparison to how humans have royal families. They're like vampire royalty in a way.

You would've been apart of the coven if it weren't for Aro's manipulation tactics. You could see right through him. He's fair, yes. But he can also be harsh in his punishments. The slightest nuisance and off with their head.

It's disturbing.

"Yn." Jane greets.

"Jane, it's nice to see you again. You too Alec." You turn to the man after greeting his sister.

"Likewise." He says curtly.

"Shall we get going?"

The three of you turn around and make way to visit Aro.


The large castle halls are dimly lit by candles on each side of them.

Your footsteps echo with each step you take, no doubt, alerting the older man of your arrival. You haven't been here in over a decade. Being here reminds you of how overrated being apart of the Volturi is. It seems so lonely. Empty even. This place could never be a home. This place would never be family. Just a bunch of pretenders lying to each other.

Around entering the room, you see Aro sitting in his usual seat, wearing his normally plastered on fake smile. Looking creepy as ever.

"Hey Unc!" You greet the older man enthusiastically like always with a smile.

"Dear Yn, I'm happy you've come tonight." He says, expression never changing.

Any other person would see you two and think you'd care for each other. But inside it was all a front. He wanted to use you as a pawn on his side, whilst you wanted the king piece on your side. Like an endless game of chess, neither of you were loosing.

"Who am I to refuse an invitation from my dearest uncle?" You lightly laugh out, receiving a smile in return. "Hehe it was most gracious of you to accept, my child." He responds.

"Welcome back Yn." Marcus says from his position. "Thank you Marcus." You respond.

You look over to the younger looking blond to your right. Your eyes briefly meet before he looks to the side, not saying anything.

You let out a quiet sigh before addressing Aro again. "I should take my leave now. I have to prepare for tonight's ball." After saying your goodbyes, you leave. But not before glancing back at Caius, to see him looking away in thought.


It doesn't take long for you to arrive at one of your properties owned in Volterra. It was a nicely built small home sitting on five acres of land, surrounded by a few trees and a small fence. Stepping out of your car, you're greeted by the maid and butler you've paid to look after the house.

The both of them are standing at the doorway with smiles, and bow when you step onto the porch. "Welcome home Ms. Ln. It's great to have you back."

"Thank you, George and Maria. It's great to see you guys again also." You greet back with a genuine smile. George and Maria have been taking care of this house for over 40 years. They have a son together now, who's about 30 years old. After George and Maria got married, you granted them permission to live in the small house, $10,000 pay included a month, as long as they kept the small home in good condition. They reluctantly but happily agreed after you insisted on it about a hundred times.

The inside was as you left it the last time you were here. Beautiful wooden floors, and w/c colored walls. A fireplace sat in the living room, with different pictures of you, Maria, George, and their son Donny in different places and on various trips. It was sweet to look at. But the thought of not being able to make memories with them in the future weighed heavy in your heart.

Although it was never mentioned, you believe they know of your immoral nature. But kept quiet about it. Not only was it safer that way, but they didn't mind. To them you were like a daughter. No matter how old you may be. And to you, they were the parents you've never had. They would always go out of their way to make you feel comfortable around them. Even if you were considered a monster to anyone else. Maria once said 'What makes a monster is not what's on the outside. monster grows inside of a person if that person allows it to.'


Walking into your bedroom, you set your suitcase down and took out a different pair of clothes, before walking into your bathroom to wash away the flight off of your skin.

After returning to your room, you saw you only had four more hours until you had to leave for the ball so you gently lay in the soft bed.

The crème colored silk adorning your body, and the soft lighting of your room did nothing to bring comfort to your racing thoughts. You began to think about Carlisle and how he's been alive for years for a bit, but then your thoughts drift off to the cruel but beautiful Caius. The man that briefly abandoned his wife for you.

But alas, it could never be. That relationship was doomed from the start. It didn't even last a full three years before you decided to abandon him and leave Italy altogether. If only he was a bit more careful, then he could have you.

But that's a story for another time..


This chapter was so hard to write. I didn't know what to put in it. I guess it could be called a filler chapter of sorts? Anyways, updating when I can.

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