Drowning Love

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Volterra, Italy, Winter ???

It was a cold, dark night by the pier. A girl sat alone looking at the seemingly endless sea. The moon and stars reflecting off of the water created an endless sky in dark liquids.

It was beautiful.

Just one rock, not even big enough to hurt a human, could disturb and distort this image. Not all beauty was made to last. Or so she thought.

However, the girl felt just as lonely as the dark waters below her. She was a monster. No one could ever love her in this way. Not even her new companion back home.

After a bit of staring into the waters, looking for nothing in particular, she jumped.


The cold waters washed over my even cooler body. Curly hair, moving like a silk curtain, to surround my face.

They say the undead cannot be killed again. I've tried almost everything I could possibly think of.

Slicing arteries? The blade shattered.
Burning myself alive? The fires died out before I even got the chance.
Shooting myself? Bullet didn't even penetrate my skin.

Like I said. A monster.

I have no will to live. I've seen everything already, against my will. There is nothing left for me to see in this world. Living is suffering. So I shall die instead. Or at least attempt to.

And with that..her eyes close.

What she didn't know, was that there was a figure already watching her.

A taller man with blonde hair and ruby colored eyes. The man had followed her here two days ago and hasn't stopped watching her since. He sees her come to the pier, sit on the rocks and stare out to the ocean for hours, before returning somewhere else before dawn.

'Today she jumped.'

Why was someone like him so entranced by someone like her?

Was it her beauty? Her loneliness? Was it because, even though they hadn't spoken a word to each other, even though he only watched her from afar, lurking in the dark of night, he felt an undying connection to her? Was it pity? Because he too knows, living is suffering?

And he stayed that way, for forty days and forty nights. Returning to the pier, just to see if she would emerge from the colorless, cruel waters at night.

Only then, did he yearn to see her face again. To see the lonely girl by the pier. His lonely girl by the pier.

So he jumped.

The cold, salty waters were no less gentle to his person either.

In his search he began to wonder, if he hadn't jumped, would she have ever emerged? Or would she stay one with the ocean for all eternity?

Forty days, and forty nights.

That's how long I've been here.

I cannot die. I truly am... Immortal.

Forty three days, and forty two nights. The ocean began to embrace me with its warmth after a while. Although I'm still living, everything is in a haze. Almost like I'm stuck in a dream.

But I know better.

This is not a dream. Nor will it ever be one.

Through my haze I thought I saw a man. Tall...with blonde hair. It's too dark for me to see anymore.

Through my haze I thought I felt the water around me shift.

I turn my eyes to the man who now holds me in his embrace. He stares down at me. His expression doesn't show anything however, he seems like me.

And slowly.. just slowly, I wrap my arms around him and give in to his embrace.

Just once, I can feel the comfort of another person again.

Once we emerge from the water, she opens her eyes slightly to look at me again. Examining her face makes me realize just how beautiful she is. Even Athenodora couldn't compare to her looks.

Her curly h/c hair slightly covers parts of her glistening brown skin, and her eyes shine a deep crimson, complementing the other aspects of her face.

The moon shines upon us as I carry her back to one of my houses.


I couldn't do anything but stare at my handsome savior. Although I didn't want to be pulled out of the water, I guess I'm not too upset at it happening anyway.

He laid my body onto the soft bed and left the room. Where was he going?

Although I couldn't sleep, I still felt tired enough to close my eyes. Being submerged underwater for so long really wore my vampiric body down, making it harder to move around.

My limbs felt heavy. Like a giant weight placed inside of me.

Soon or later the man returns. He carries a dry pair of clothes in his hands. You assume they're his because all there is, is a white folded dress shirt and a brown pair of shorts.

He stands over your now sitting up body and says something in Italian. "spogliati e mettili."

"Huh?" You raise your eyebrows at the strange word. "I'm sorry, I don't speak Italian." You clearly your throat and look down.

"I speak English." He says before handing you the clothes and waiting for you to undress.

"Um.." you look back up towards the blonde. "Do you mind looking away or..." you trail off hoping he gets the hint.

He sighs then turns around. "You act as if I'd pounce on you. Trust, it's nothing I haven't already seen before." He spat.

You begin to undress yourself and change into the clothes he provided. "Thank you.."

"Yeah.." he responds nonchalantly. After you finish, you sit back down onto the bed causing it to let out a light 'squeak'. The blonde man turns around and looks over you.

Your eyes meet where his stopped at your half exposed chest. Then slowly trailed down to your thighs. You squirm under his intense glare.

"Uhm.. I should ask.." his eyes shoot back up to yours. "What is it?" He questions.

"Why did you pull me out?"

He stays silent for a bit, not breaking eye contact until he responds. His head shifts towards the wall beside him. "I don't know.."

"What's your name?"



That's all folks! 🐷 sorta... I want to do another story continuing this but idk. I accidentally wrote all of this and forgot to publish it like two week's ago but y'all be alright. Thinking about the next chapter though. I got some stuff down. (Btw this is a filler chapter)

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