The No Show Cullens

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Forks, Washington

Once you arrived home everything was the same as you had left. Challan, happy and flourishing, and Ryo, handsome as well as aggravating.

Seeing him come around the corner with Challan sleeping in his arms brought a light smile to your face. "Awwwww. Stop right there." You say while taking out your phone. "I wanna take a picture of y'all. Y'all look so cuteeee." You say lightly bouncing on your toes excitedly. Ryo rolls his eyes and stands in place. He then makes a cool looking face for the picture, angling his head to the side a bit.

"Okay. I got it." You say, pulling your phone down for inspection before turning it back to him, for him to see. "I thought you would've stayed in Volterra for longer." He says looking back at you.

"Please." You roll your eyes at the thought of staying in Volterra for longer than needed. "You know I could never stay there longer than I had to. For one I don't feel like hearing Aro's shit all day about why I should've came to the Volturi and truly felt the power of a god, or family, or whatever the hell he be talking about. And two, Caius is being a brat." You wave your hand twice as to dismiss the topic completely.

"Caius?" He raises an eyebrow at the other man's name.

"Yes. Caius. I told him about my first lover being alive."

"And..." he waves his hand in a circle, signaling you to continue.

"And... he wasn't happy." You look off to the side then down at the ground. Ryo just snickers and shakes his head.

"Of course he wasn't fucking happy. Hell I wouldn't be either if I fell in love with a girl who disappeared on me because she was scared of loving me back. All because she still loved the first guy she ever had feelings for. Hell, poor Caius probably feels like he meant nothing to you. Especially since things didn't completely end on his end and just barely on your end." He says.

"Ryo, Caius has a whole wife. He shouldn't have been so hung up on me at the time. For fucks sake I ended it for the both of us." You say while gently taking Challan away from the taller man. 'My baby looks so cuteeee asleep.' You release a light smile while looking down at the fluffy bunny.

"I guess you have a point. But think about it this way. That man has been alive longer than the both of us combined. It's only natural he gets bored of that old witch after awhile." Now you laugh. "Athenodora is pretty witch like isn't she?" You say. "Hell yeah! You remember that time she tried to take your head off after finding out you were actually living with Caius?" He says lightheartedly.

You sigh. "Yeah.." you turn to Ryo. "Good times right?"


It was now Monday morning and you were in class. Mr. Molina was going on and on about something you probably learned years ago, so you weren't paying attention. Instead, you let your thoughts drift off to before you died.

Days in the orphanage, surrounded by children big and small. The giggles of the girls rang lightly through your ears as you remember playing in the flowers with your friends on a summer afternoon.

Your most memorable friend was a girl that went by the name Melonie. Her parents died when a group of men set her home on fire with her whole family inside. Despite being the most beautiful girl at the orphanage, nothing could take away that look of sadness off of her sun kissed face.

She used to tell you stories of how her father went to the fields to work and provide for the family, while her mother used to stay home and tend to her and her other siblings. She had one younger brother and two sisters a year apart from her.

Every time you heard about her family, you began to wonder what happened in the past to make that tragic day unfold.

Reminiscing your past brought back memories of your old dog, Iggy. A short white and black dog with the biggest heart.

You remember petting his big black ears, and taking him on long walks. He truly was your best friend.


At lunch you were so deep in your thoughts, you didn't notice the Cullens were gone and Bella until you looked up.

'Where did they go?'


"Ry have you seen any of the Cullens around lately?" You turn to the reading man on the sofa. "Mm your crush hasn't clocked in for two days. Tsk bastard leaving me with his work." He says while mumbling the last part under his breath.

'Even the others are gone.' "Why do you ask?" He turns his attention from the book he was reading and onto you.

"Oh well they haven't been in school for a couple days... even the human, Isabella hasn't been showing." You start. He nods taking this into thought. "Do you think something funky is going on?" You ask next.

He nods his head slowly. "Mmm.. It does seem strange. Normally they all wouldn't just disappear like that..right? I mean we haven't known them for too long so we wouldn't know. I mean.. this is their first time doing this for us." He nods once more before reaching your eyes.

You nod your head once. "Ryo are we nosey?"

"I don't think so.." he looks away in thought. "We might be." He finishes before picking up his book to continue reading.

You turn back to the tv and continue watching a movie you've already watched about a million times.
The next day you went to school, you were met by a surprise. The Cullens were back. As well as their pet.



Prom chapter next.


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