New friends

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It took about two weeks for you to befriend the Cullens. More specifically all of the siblings except Edward.

Now he was away, leaving all of you together in the cafeteria.

"So yn," Alice takes the both of your hands in hers. "Would you like to come over to hang out today? I was planning on going clothes shopping later."

"Come over?"

"Yeah. I'll give you a ride."


"Yeah sure. I'll text you my address when I get home."

You turn to Rosalie. "Hey Rosalie, do you want to come to the nail salon afterwards? Alice you can come too if you want."

"Sure. I don't have anything to do later anyways." Rosalie replies.

"Good." The other woman says.

After three more minutes we all leave to our next classes, then go home.

Arriving at the small home, you pet Challan and take a shower. You then put a robe on and go to your room to pick out an outfit.

While doing so you didn't notice Ryo enter your room and sit on your bed. You were looking for your black shirt with a white star in the middle, but couldn't find it so you got up and turned towards your bed before jumping back.


He holds up your shirt. You quickly walk over and try to pull it out of his hands, before he pulls back.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to talk to me baby. We've been together for over 100 years, this ain't right." He says before sitting back on the bed.

"I do talk to you."

"Not like you used to. You don't even say hey to me when I come home anymore. This distance between us is killing me."

You look off to the side. "You should've told me he was alive when you found out. What did you have to gain from hiding that from me?"

He sighs and looks down at his lap.

"Nothing. But I thought that if I didn't tell you, you would still be content with believing he died in the past. Hell,"

He looks back up at you, still facing away from him.

"It doesn't help that he has a wife and kids now. You wouldn't be able to just re enter his life as if you'd never died."

You look back at your best friend. "You're right. Im being immature again aren't I?"

He smiles and scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry Ry, Just.. don't keep stuff like that away from me anymore."


He grabs you by the hand and pulls you into his chest.

"Ahhhh, I got my girl back." He sighs happily with you laying on top of him.

"Let me go. Now."

You were now at an expensive clothing store with Alice and Rosalie looking at the different assortment of clothes.

You're soon approached by Rosalie. "Was that your boyfriend?"

"Huh, who?" You respond without looking up from the rack of clothes.

"The man that was at your house. Tall, dark hair, handsome."

You laugh at the last part. "Ha! Handsome is one word for him. But no, Ryo is just a friend. We've been together ever since I died."


"Mhm. He found me when I was a newborn. A few hours after I dug out my own grave."

Alice then walks up to Join the conversation. "You had to dig out your own grave? You poor thing." She places her hand on your back, with a sympathetic expression.

"Yeah... I don't even know who found my body and buried me. I know it wasn't the bastard that killed me though. He's probably somewhere out there roaming. I tried looking for my killer but never found him."

You pick up a black dress.

'I'll wear this to see uncle next week.'

After Alice dropped you back off at your house you decided to take a walk in the woods, going back to the meadow you found two weeks ago.

Normally there's nothing around, but this time there was the presence of two people. Peeking from behind a tree you saw Edward with Bella.


'No fucking way.'

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