27 | the teokbokki

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"guys you need any refreshment?" Jake asked getting up from his seat and we all just nod our head as we were too focused on our studies

Jake stood still without moving an inch, Min-ju who notices him gasps as she gets up "I'll accompany you" she said and Jake finally smiles

we of course stop with our studies and look at Jake feeling bad for not paying attention to his words just now, flustered we all try to lighten off the mood

"I'll have the same one as before" Sunoo said, and one by one we said the drinks we wanted

when it was turn I had this sudden urge to tease Jay and so I say "me too, and make sure to pay it with Jay's money"

"eh!?" Jay looked at me with his eyes widened, and In-hye was quick to back me up "yes I agree, he was late so he should pay for it"

"but....fine" Jay gave in, then takes out his card and gives it to Jake and we brust out in laughter seeing his reaction, I then take out my card "just kidding, I'll pay for this one"

"ohhh Yang Ji-yeon is paying, it's a historic day" Ha-yan teases me from the side and I all of a sudden get up from my seat in anger

then turn to Ha-yan as I shout loudly "Lee Ha-yan what do you take me for huh!!? I'm not that stingy"

everyone obviously got very flustered by my sudden anger and Ha-yan herself was too very much taken aback

she shutters "I...I...am...sorry, I didn't....mean that..way"

"you know what just forget it, I'm going, y'all have fun without me" I said without a second thought and grab my belongings to leave the cafè

everyone tried to calm me down but I was not having it, and after I was done collecting my things I rush out of the cafè

Sunghoon rushes as he follow me, then grabs my hand, stopping me right by the cafè door

"Ji-yeon" he just said one word but I broke down into tears, he of course was more flustered by now

"I...no..." he shutters, then hugs me "please don't cry" he said with his voice filled with emotions but my tears won't stop falling

Ha-yan and the other rushes as they try to comfort me, and by now everyone present at the cafe was looking at me

the light outside was also now a bit deem as it was 7 pm on the clock

"Ji-yeon I'm really sorry, I won't say anything like that ever again" Ha-yan repeatedly apologies

I was about to speak but all of a sudden the lights of the cafe goes out and it was completely dark

"seriously..now!?" Ha-yan utters in disbelief and there was this complete silence for like 3 minutes

then the lights came back again, and for a split second it blind Ha-yan's eyes

and bang!! confetti noises and cheers fills the cafe, and we all sing in unison "happy birthday to you, happy birthday Lee Ha-yan, happy birthday Lee Ha-yan"

it's Ha-yan's birthday today and of course me getting angry was all acting, infact we all planned for it together to surprise Ha-yan

I'm pretty sure she was a bit sad thinking we didn't remember her birthday but it's all part of our plan

Ha-yan tries to process the situation with her eyes all widen and when she did she starts crying loud

we panick at her reaction "Ha-yan, don't cry" Min-ju tried to comfort her and I give the cake I was holding to Jay, then rush by Ha-yan's side

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