6 | PE class

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"i don't own any of the pics used below, ©to the rightful owners"

"Sunghoon" I exclaim when I realise that it was him, i was more than grateful for his words and so i didn't hesitate as I agree "yeah of course, let's pair up"

suddenly his expression goes strange, he was smiling just seconds ago but now he is frowning a bit, he then bends down a little and looks at my eyes as he asks "you cried?"

"huh? I didn't!..." I utter in confusion

he then brought his hands closer to my face and point at my eyes with his fingers, "but they are tears in your eyes" he says now looking a bit unsure

that's when I gasp in realisation "ah is must be because I laughed a lot earlier" I exclaim

he nods big time and we both share a smile

as we were standing like that, "Sunghoon-na can you pair up with me, I'm all alone" Bae Na-yeon, one of our classmate says

"oh..sorry I already have a partner" Sunghoon replies short yet politely, Na-yeon looked a disappointed but nods lightly as she goes away

after she left Sunghoon stood beside me as we all wait for the teacher's instruction


finally after like 10 minutes we were done with the duo exercise, as soon as it was over I flop down on the grass all exhausted from the heat

"we'll go drop by the canteen real quick" Sunghoon says and we all nod in yes, he then goes away along with Jay

the girls also sits down besides me all tired and exhausted

"you guys seemed real close earlier" Ha-yan starts teasing me the next second she sits

"yeah you and Jay seemed real close to each other, I also noticed it" I return her teasing as I rest my head on In-hye's shoulder

"don't change the subject, tell me what did you guys talked about earlier?" she says half flustered and half teasing me

"well he asked when you are going to confess to Jay, seems like Sunghoon was as much curious about it as we all are" I of course tease her back.

she goes all embarassed and clears her throat as she finally gives up the teasing "ok ok stop with your teasing already"

"now that's more like it" I reply, In-hye and I both giggling happily at Ha-yan's reaction

for a moment we almost forgot Minju was there, "Ha-yan has someone she likes?" she asks, I at once raise my head and start explaining to her

"well you know our class president, his name is Jay and Ha-yan likes him since we were in middle school"

Minju nods as she listens attentively, "but why has she not confessed yet?" she asks

"she is afraid of rejection" In-hye replies after letting out a deep sigh, Ha-yan tries to explain herself quickly "no it's not like that! I'm just afraid things would get awkward if I get rejected"

"it's the same thing girl" I say shaking my head but Ha-yan keeps on trying to explain herself to Min-ju, In-hye and I bicker with her

Min-ju laughs as she watches us then gives us a warm smile "it feels nice to be friends with you guys"

we at once stop with bickering at her words, then look at her "we feel the same way too, it's nice to have you as our friend" I reply say also in smile

honestly she looked a bit surprised when I said those words but she still gives us a bright smile, it also seemed as if she was trying to hold in her tears

then she continues "btw you guys have been friends since middle school?"

"yes! we clicked off right the moment we first met and from then on we have been bestfriends" Ha-yan replies

right then Jay and Sunghoon returns, Sunghoon opens up a strawberry milk and give it to me as he sits down besides us

"thanks" I reply and then gulp it down half way through, that's when Min-ju asks "you guys are couple?"

I chock the second she said that and they all hurried as they try to help me but Sunghoon was fastest

he pats me on my back trying to help me as I try to breath, when I was feeling a bit better he stops patting and passes me a bottle of water

I drink it and Min-ju was in a panick and flustered as she pats me on the back nervously, I grab her hands and nod my head as I assure her that I was fine

then on she clams down a bit, "I'm so sorry Jiyeon" she apologises holding my hand.

"it's ok, I'm ok" I reply

I guess after I chocked on the strawberry milk she was very much flustered so she asked no further questions

we stayed at the field for the next few minutes and just as we were about to leave Sunoo comes running, then stops right infront of In-hye

"it's for you" he was all panting as he give a mango juice to In-hye, why does it have to be mango again!! Ha-yan and I look at each other then at In-hye.

but to our surprise In-hye accepts the drink, "but why are you giving me this?" she questions

"I'm just grateful for your help that day so.." Sunoo smiles as he replies.

"I didn't do much back then, so you don't need to be grateful to me" In-hye states.

Sunoo still with the same smile on his face continues "alright, but can we be friends, right?" he asks and In-hye nods

he then gives In-hye the brightest smile I've ever seen in my whole life and went away just like that

the second he leaves I glance at In-hye, she stands still staring at the mango juice and she looks lost to what to do with it

so i suggest "well Min-ju likes it, you can give it to her", In-hye looks at me then at Min-ju "right!" she exclaims as she gives it to Min-ju

"but he gave it to you In-hye" Min-ju says with confused eyes, Ha-yan puts her arms around Min-ju's as she explains "she is allergic to it"

Min-ju at first looks a bit surprised but she soon nods, then smiles "well then I will enjoy it for you."

with that we leave the field.

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