19 | the football match

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"what the!!! that little piece of sh*!, ahh I want to beat him so bad, I never liked how he stares at girls too" I shout fuming in anger

Ha-yan tries to calm me down "yes, he is going to pay for it"

I calm down a bit as I look at her, how scared she must have been...."glad Jay was there" I say now a bit calmer than before, then hold her hand.

Ha-yan nods as she rubs her hand on mine flashing a warm smile

I quickly thought of changing the topic, so I slightly grin "so now he knows you like him?"

Ha-yan at once draws away her hands and avoids looking at me "yeah kinda"

"what did he say?" I ask moving in a bit closer to her all ready to hear her answer, "nothing"

"what!!? nothing??" I ask again and again all disappointed and Ha-yan nods in yes

"that fool!!he doesn't know to heat the iron while it's hot" I was so pissed and disapointed

Min-ju and In-hye came searching for us as we were not returning, and when they saw us sitting by the fountain they came running and took a seat besides us. Ha-yan's eyes were obviously still red and both of them finally notices it so they asked her about it.

and she explained the same thing all over again.

after hearing everything In-hye tried to go search for Ki-young to beat him up but thankfully we managed to stop her, soon her anger subsided the 4 of us chatted and teased Ha-yan about Jay.

when it was late we collected our belongings and bid bye for the day.


today is finally the day of the long waited football match!!! "let's go or we will be late" I speak in excitement

I've been waiting for it since longgg ago and it's been so long since I last watched a live match in person so I'm all excited for today. The last time I watched a live match in person was a friendly match between South Korea and Uruguay at March this year. Son Heungmin came to South Korea for the match but unfortunately they lost 1 goal down and the whole day I was so pissed and angry.

today we arrived at the field early and waited for the match to begin, every teacher and every student of our school was present there to watch the match

as we were waiting for the players to enter Ha-yan all of a sudden said she wanted to pee, she insisted me to accompany her so she dragged me along with her

I waited for her resting my back at the wall of the hallway and that's when I saw Heeseung and his teammates

he saw me too and was in all smile as he makes his way towards me "Jiyeon-na what are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for Ha-yan, she went to the washroom" I reply as I bow to him and greet just like a normal junior does to her sunbae, honestly this is my first time bowing to him after we broke up...so it was a bit awkward.

he too looks a bit taken aback as his eyes went all widen, he then motioned his teammates to go first and then turn back to me

"you coming to the match right?" he asks

"yeah of course I'm, you know I don't miss any single match" I reply fast as I smile trying to lighten off the mood

Heeseung also smiles "yeah right, you don't".

as we were talking Ha-yan was done with her thing in the washroom so she came out, she smiled as she greets Heeseung "oh oppa!"

"done?" Heeseung smiles as he greets her back too

he then turn to look at me "Jiyeon-na I'll have to go now, see you later"

I nod "yes, all the best for your match","thanks" he smiles and bids bye to Ha-yan before he leaves

Ha-yan now looks at me with eyes full of curiousity.

"no questions, let's go or we will be late for the match" I speak quick and start walking, she hisses as she follow me quietly to the field.


the match finally begins and our school's team leaded in the first half, currently we we are also leading in the second half too all thanks to Heeseung, he scored a goal 12 minutes to the second half.

the game resumes with his goal and one of the opponent made a sloppy pass, Heeseung seized the opportunity and sprinted in full speed with the ball now in his possession, he tries to make a shot from outside the box but all of a sudden, one of the other team's defender came rushing and pushs Heeseung real hard and fouled him.

everyone gasps in surprise when that happened and Heeseung shouts in pain, the medics rushs in to help him.

5 minutes later the game resumes and Heeseung was back on the pitch but he still seems to be in pain, it was his right arm, he kept pressing on to it as he runs along

"seems like he is in pain" anyone could see it from afar

I fewl bad for him, he is the captain of the team and as far as I know him he is a very responsible person so even if he is in pain he will surely continue playing not just for himself but for his team.

"why? does your heart hurt to see him in pain?" Ha-yan teases me as she nudges me over at my shoulder.

as I turn to side eye her I notice Sunghoon looking over at me so I was a bit flustered at first and a part of me hoped he didn't misunderstood and that Ha-yan was just teasing.

so I shout at her ears "shut up Ha-yan, it's not like that" then look at Sunghoon.

"Ji-yeon!! you don't have to shout I was just teasing you" Ha-yan says covering her ears in pain.

Sunghoon nods as he speaks to Jay "his arm doesn't look ok"

"yeah, I hope it's not broken or something" Jay nods along to Sunghoon's words

pheww seems like he didn't misunderstood it..

our team was given a a freekick for the foul but it was farway from the post so we failed to concede a goall

90+3 minutes onto the game and it was getting intense as the score was leveled but Beomgyu; one of Heeseung's teammate made a very long and steady pass to Heeseung, Heeseung aims for the post as he sprints with the ball and shot, he scores!!

we all shout in unison and 2 minutes later the referee blew the whistle indicating that the game was over, and the whole stadium was filled with the shouts of the teachers and students.

I too join them as I was genuinely happy by the victory.

I turn around as I shout and stop when I notice Sunghoon looking at me, he was smiling. we both shared a moment as we look at each other for a while as we smile.

and.....I really think I'm in love with him for real!!

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