26 | group study

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we are seated at our own, and it's been over a week since the board meeting and things are all normal now

Ki-young got suspended for his actions, his suspension was a know thing cause one of our senior also testified against him

and apparently he also misbehavef with her, and guess what Heeseung was her witness

the student council president is now taken by the same senior who testified against Kiyoung, and foremost of everything Ha-yan is now comfortable with performing her duties.

the summer heat is also no longer strong and......Midterms are just around the corner too, I can literally foresee my incoming eyesbags and dark circles!!!

"hahhh I guess it's time for the revival of our study group" Ha-yan stated in all sigh and disapointment but I was busy scrolling my phone so I didn't hear her

and Ha-yan all pissed hits me real hard "Ji-yeon!!", "ouchh!! Lee Ha-yan!! why did you hit me!!?" I shout all startled as I rub my shoulder in pain.

Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo and Jake was back from their private boy's time and sat on the empty desks as they join in the conversation

"who hit you?" Jay asked and Sunghoon looks at my shoulder as I continue to rub it, I then stop rubbing and glare at Ha-yan "no one"

and guess what I saw, Jake is stealing glances at Min-ju as he smiles and right, Jake is becoming closer with us and hangs out with us most of the times

obviously we all know it's all because of Min-ju, cause whenever he is with us he always steal glances at Min-ju just like how he did right now.

"btw what have you guys been talking about earlier?" Sunoo aksed, and In-hye gives the reply "ah it's about our study group, midterm is soon to come so we have been thinking about to start it soon"

she then continues "you can join us if you like", Sunoo smiles looking all excited "really!? can I do so?"

Ha-yan seems to hesitate a little before she says "but.. it's an only girl study group", and an idea struck me so I at once get up as I exclaim "wait all of you can join, I've got a great idea!!"

"what idea?" Ha-yan questioned

and I excitedly explain it to them "well we all have a specific subject each of us are good at so why not take advantage of it"

"hmm that sounds kinda great" In-hye agreed

and I elaborate "Ha-yan is good at history, maths for Min-ju, Geography for In-hye, Jake's a physics god, and we all now Jay his love for Korean literature, I heard Sunoo is good at Chemistry, Biology is for Sunghoon and English will be my responsibility"

and with that Ha-yan exclaims "done then!! let's do that", In-hye said "I'm all in for it"

"me too" Sunoo said as he looks over at In-hye, the rest also agreed to it.

"ok so when should we start?" Jay asked, and I suggest "if it's ok with you guys let's start from tomorrow evening"

Ha-yan nods "hm I'm ok with it, morever tomorrow is the weekend so it would be great to use the free time"

"yeah I agree" Jake and the remaining also agreed

"then tomorrow 3pm at Julio cafè!!" I declare and the rest nods in agreement.


It's almost 3 and I'm already inside the cafè waiting for the others to arrive, today I didn't come along with Jay cause they had a family function so he said he might be a bit late

"oh! you are quiet early" a voice said and I turn to look, "oh! Sunghoon!" sure enough it was his voice and I smile at the very sight of him

"sorry for being late" he said taking a seat just infront of me and I shake my hand in deniel "no you are not, I also just arrived 2-3 minutes ago"

"I see" he nods his head then looks around and at his watch before saying "I guess the others are running a bit late, what would you like to drink? I'll order something to drink first"

I then have a look at the menu and without any hesitation blurt out my favourite drink "a vanilla latte would do"

"you also like vanila latte?" he questioned with sparkling eyes and I nod and the next second I saw this bright smile on his face, "it's also my favourite drink"

idk why vanila latte being both our favourite drink made him smile that bright but his smile sure did made me happy too and I find myself adoring him

just then I heard a familiar voice so I turn to look around the cafè and that's when I saw Heeseung, but he was not alone, he was accompanied by Beomgyu and two girls

in the midst of it Ha-yan arrives and she teases us the second she takes a ssat "hmm you guys seems suspicious, did you two deliberately agree to meet up early?"

Sunghoon flashes a slight smile, then changes the topic "what would you like to drink?"

"sweet potato boba tea" Ha-yan was quick to her reply and Sunghoon nods, gets up from his seat and went to order the drinks

and as soon as he left I pinch Ha-yan for what she said earlier, and she shouted in pain "Yang Ji-yeon!!!!"

"Ha-yan??" a voice asked from afar and I knew who it was, Heeseung for sure!

both Ha-yan and I turn to look at his direction and sure enough it was him, he flinchs a bit when he sees me

seconds later he stands infront of us "what are you guys doing here?"

Ha-yan looks at me as she fake coughs "we are having a group study session", "just you two?" he asked

"no, the others are coming too" Ha-yan replied.

Heeseung nods and Ha-yan continues "btw what are you doing here oppa?", there was obvious flusteredness in his eyes so I motion Ha-yan to ask no further question as it will only make everyone uncomfortable

but seems like Ha-yan has no plan to stop, she looks over to where Heeseung was sitting earlier and exclaima "ahhh blind date!!"

Heeseung shakes his hand repeatedly as he denies Ha-yan's words "no no, it's not like that "

at that moment Sunghoon arrives with the drinks and he looks at me then at Heeseung in confusion

and there was this urge in me to speak, to clear any misunderstanding "he was also hanging out here, it's a coincidence"

Ji-yeon you didn't need to explain anything!! what's wrong with me....I blink my eyes as in flusteredness

Heeseung looks at me and it was hard to read his expression, Sunghoon clears his throat as he greets Heeseung, he then takes his seat and calmly passes out the drink

I was praying that I could vanish cause it was freaking awkward in here, Ha-yan tried fake laughing to lighten off the mood but it was useless....

then the saviours came!! the remaining arrives all at once and when In-hye saw Heeseung she questioned us about why he was there

Ha-yan whispers as she explains it to In-hye "I don't know but he is here with some girls"

and just as I thought the awkwardness will be finally over....the unwanted happens, In-hye shouts "what?? but isn't he still not over Ji-yeon?"

Ha-yan all flustered looks at Heeseung, then at me, then to Sunghoon and fake laughs "ahaha In-hye is so funny, Heeseung oppa let's meet later, my friends for the study session are all here"

Heeseung nods and goes away and I avoided meeting eyes with him as he bids us bye.

we all waited for Jay who was the last one to arrive and when he arrives we officially start the study session.

Our Youth | Enhypenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें