2 | the three us

39 3 1


"i don't own any of the pics used below, ©to the rightful owners"


yesterday was like any other day except the fact that two new transfer students joined our class

one was Oh Min-ju, the girl I talked to and the other one was Kim Sunoo, the boy we guessed to be the other one.

me, Ha-yan and In-hye are now inside our classroom, grouped together at my table, having our usual nonsensical talks which is kinda like our daily routine

Jay doesn't join us in the morning as he is busy with his class president duties and lazy me always wonder why he chooses to be one

"you go in!", "no you go" I saw some junior talking by the classroom door and they had been standing there since a while ago, looking at us

one of them finally comes in and he was shyly looking at In-hye "excuse me, In.....In-hye noona, here!! please except this"

he gives a letter to In-hye, Ha-yan and I both look forward to her response in excitement

but In-hye being herself looks real confused "what is this? and why am I your noona, it should be sunbae instead", she doesn't like being called noona, she would prefer hyung instead

the boy takes a deep breath, then shuts his eyes tight as he bows to In-hye "I'm sorry sunbaenim, this is my feelings for you, I like you".

"Oh!...." In-hye exclaims finally getting it, then looks at the boy as she continues "I am sorry, I don't have any plans to be in a relationship now"

she was very calm when she said so and the boy nods his head as he ran away hurriedly, he was quite cute

as soon as he left I lean in a bit closer to In-hye "ohhhh Choi In-hye another confession huhh" I of course start teasing her

Ha-yan also joins me in the tease "In-hye sunbae is so popular, it must be tiring", with that In-hye glares at us "shut up both of you!!".

"oh my! Ha-yan our In-hye sunbae wants us to shut up, let's do as she wants" I continue with my teasing, Ha-yan nods her head "yes! let's do as our In-hye sunbae wishes"

In-hye just sighed at she shakes her head

a short introduction of us

the three of us are bestfriends and we first met back at middle school, we just kinda hit off the first time we met so we became close with each other in no time

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the three of us are bestfriends and we first met back at middle school, we just kinda hit off the first time we met so we became close with each other in no time.

Lee Ha-yan; is like the mother of our group, she is the calmest among the three of us and is a very kind person. In terms of looks she has short hair upto the length of her jaw and people says she is the cute type of pretty.

Choi In-hye; is boyish and is a total girl crush type, she is the coolest and is very short tempered too, she has real short hair, like those of boys. And not only boys but girls also go crazy over her.

Yang Ji-yeon; which is me, well I would say I'm friendly and a bit of a crackhead, oh!!! and I'm a huge Son Heung-min and football fan. And I have the longest hair out of the three of us.

"look over there, seems like the new boy has nowhere to sit" Ha-yan says her eyes directed to the front of the class

my eyes naturally turns to look at where she was looking, the new boy seems to be lost as there was no empty seat available

"but isn't there supposed to be enough seats?" I ask geniunely confused, Ha-yan nod as she continues looking over to the boy

"ah it must be those little sh*!heads again" In-hye swears as she gets up from her seat and walk towards where the boy was standing

she then looks at him and asks him to follow her, then they went to very front seat which always used to be empty but now a boy was sitting there

"is this your class?" In-hye was firm, but the boy disgustingly smiling "well no, why? you want me to be here", and there was this long silence for a whilw

then he continues again "you want my number? should I give it to you" but this time he and his friends were laughing as they tease In-hye

don't they know In-hye....this is not looking good, Ha-yan and I gave each other a look, got up at once and went to them

by now everyone was looking at them, i mean with In-hye's personality they sure must be guessing she will hit him just like how we are thinking

when Ha-yan and I approach In-hye, she was shaking in anger and her eyes already looks like she was about to beat the shit out of the boy

Ha-yan and I both panick cause if she losses her temper it won't be good, so Ha-yan tries her best to calm her down, and Sunoo! the transfer boy looks a bit panicked too.

I turn to him as I whisper "um hey, if you don't mind can you try to distract her a bit"

he nods and then the next second, he lightly taps at In-hye's shoulder as he hastily asks "do you know where the boy's toilet is? I need to take a poop real quick"

what the!? did he really just say that out loudly and poop out of all thing!?

I blink my eyes as I stare at him in flusteredness and In-hye too looks a bit flustered as she replies

"huh? ah the toilet, yes right! It's in the..the..follow me I'll take you there".

Sunoo also looks real embarassed and flustered too, but he simply nods his head and follows In-hye as they leave the room.

what the actual heck was that!? Ha-yan and I look at each other with our eyes wide open in utter disbelief by his words.

after they left there was dead silence in the classroom for a while and I guess not just us but everyone here seems to be in disbelief too

as soon as I collect myself I turn to those boys from earlier and look at the nametag of the boy who teased In-hye

"hmm right Min-hyuk, I think you should go to your own class now since classes are about to begin" I say fake smiling

"yes! I will go if that's what you want" he replies and gives me a smile before he leave with his boys.

what I want!? ewww that sounds very cringey, what's with him...? "what's with that line" I cringe looking at Ha-yan and she was also frowning in disgust

we both then let out a huge sigh as we go back to our seats, Ha-yan's seat was right infront of mine so she turn back to talk with me "that boy Min-hyuk, isn't he the one who kept chasing after you last year."

"who?" I ask trying my best to remember who he was and it hit it me!!

I exclaim in realisation "ahhh the one who kept saying he was Saejin High's Son Heung-min, I forgot his face after the summer vacation so I didn't recognise him just now"

"yes that boy! anyways he is lucky today, if In-hye lost her temper earlier it would have been the end of him" Ha-yan breaths in relief placing her her hand on her chest

but I was busy getting mad over the boy "I wanted to hit him so bad back when he said that, I mean how can someone even dare compare himself with my Son!! that's utterly unacceptable".

"alright don't get angry now" Ha-yan tries to calm me down, soon the hallway erupted with noises

so she looks over at the door and exclaims in surprise "oh look!! Yeona seems like he is finally back"

Our Youth | EnhypenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora