22 | this feeling

12 1 1

Min-ju's story :

"shall we go?" Jake asks reaching out his hand and Min-ju slightly nods, Jake then extends his arm so as to support her.

usually Min-ju's driver comes to pick her up but today was a bit early so he hasn't arrived yet, she thought of telling Jake about itbbut something in her was stopping her from doing so and just like that they ended up taking the subway

Min-ju gets off the bus with Jake's help, then they make their way to her house but as they were walking Min-ju suddenly stops, and turns to look at Jake

"I think I can go by myself from here" she speaks with hesitation in her voice

"um ok" Jake speaks with the same hesitation and a obvious look of disapointed, "then...bye"

Min-ju who also seems to be a bit disapointed too bids him anyways "bye"

Jake then turns and walk away, taking little steps at a time not wanting to leave so soon.  Min-ju too turns away but as soon as she takes her first step she shouts in pain and sits down at the ground

Jake hearing her shout rushs to her real quick and gets on his knees as he looks at Min-ju's leg, he was so worried as he questions "why? does it hurt?"

Min-ju slightly nods "I think the relaxation spray is starting to loose it's effect"

Jake frowns as he looks at her ankle "how far is your home from here?" he asks

"just by the right corner" Min-ju replies looking at the direction of her home, Jake after taking a quick glance to the direction, turns his back on her still bending down and motion her to his back

"hop on, I'll take you there" he calmy says

"what! no!" Min-ju shouts at once all flustered and embarassed

Jake looks back to her and lets out a sigh "you won't be able to make it to your house with that ankle"

"it's ok, I can" Min-ju was still in so much flusteredness. Jake turn to face forward and without saying any word he motions her to his back once again. Min-ju had no choice but to hop-on on his back and as soon as she did so Jake got up with Min-ju on his back and starts walking.

"Jake, I can really go by myself" Min-ju still tries to convince Jake and then quitely utters to herself "morever I'm heavy"

"no you are not!" Jake replies quick as soon as he heard Min-ju's words, and Min-ju's eyes widens at those words, her heartbeat going faster than usual and her cheek getting all red. she tried her best to calm herself down and was worried thinking he might hear her heartbeat going fast

seconds later they reach Min-ju's house so Jake gently let her hop down and they turn to face each other. both of them remained quiet for a while and Min-ju avoids looking into Jake's eyes, her heart still beating fast

"so..now I'll go" Jake breaks the silence, placing his hand on his neck

"o...ok" Min-ju stutters a bit as she avoids Jake's gaze

Jake stood there for a while hoping some words from Min-ju but he got none so feeling disappointed he was about to leave but stops when Min-ju finally calls out his name, he quickly turn to look at Min-ju and Min-ju finally makes eye contact with Jake

"Jake! thank you for today"

Jake nods with a smile on his face and Min-ju reciprocates his smiles, he then bids her bye for real this time and walks away happily

Min-ju smiles as she watches him walk away and then goes inside her house when she could no longer see him


"I'm home" she cheerfully greets as soon as she enters.

Min-ju's dad was there sitting at the sofa reading a newspaper and as soon as he saw Min-ju, he speaks "you are home early today"

Min-ju's expression changes all of a sudden as if she looks like a completely different person from just before "yes, I injured my ankle so the teacher asked me to rest early" and she cripples as she makes her way inside

"that's why I told you not to waste your time in sports and all" her dad stated with obvious annoyance in his voice

but Min-ju didn't spoke a word and just continued walking, her mom who was at the kitchen comes and helps her to her room.

when they were inside Min-ju's room her mom closes the door, and with horror in her face she asks "who was the boy just now?"

Min-ju flustered and surprised by her sudden question avoids her mom's eyes "a friend"

"friend? then why did you looked all happy and shy just now when you were with him!?" her mom angrily demand as she grabs Min-ju's arms

Min-ju, her face in utter disbelief angrily questions "you were watching us secretly!?"

her mom then at once lets go of Min-ju's arm and looks a bit taken aback "I happen to see you guys talking by chance"

but her guiltiness didn't even last a minutes as she faces her daughter again "and what's with that tone, is that the way to talk to your mom?"

Min-ju shakes her head in disbelief and turns away to keep herself busy "just leave, I want to be alone"

"you....." her mom tried to speak but she stopz when Min-ju pushs her from her room and lock the door.

she then have a glance at her ankle and rest flop at her bed letting out a deep sigh  "not even a question about this.." she utter to herself and just then her phone rang

it was a group call from Ji-yeon, Ha-yan and In-hye; she smiles when she realise it was from them and picks it up quickly

"Min-ju!!!" Ji-yeon shoutz as soon as Min-ju picked up the phone

"ya don't shout" In-hye shouted back in annoyance from the other side and Ha-yan tried to calm both of them, after a little bit of bickering Ji-yeon with her voice filled with excitement speaks "Min-ju where are you right now?"

Min-ju still laughing at the ruckus her friends caused just now, takes a breathe before replying "at home"

"already!?" Ha-yan asks and there was obvious disapointment in her voice, and it was followed by In-hye's disapointed voice "why?", Ji-yeon also joins in the disappointment relay "no way!!"

Min-ju laughs loudly at their reactions and for the first time ever since she parted with Jake, there was genuine happiness in her face

"nothing happened?" Ji-yeon asks and Min-ju pauses for a bit and then on the 3 of them knew something did happen

so all of them at once shout "tell us!"

Min-ju clears her throat and takes moment "let's talk about it at the school tomorrow" and there was a of course slight shyness in her voice

"no I want to hear it now" In-hye impatiently said and Min-ju acted as if someone was calling her and cut off the phone.

she puts down her phone and looks up at her ceiling as she thinks about what happened earlier between her and Jake, she giggles hugging her pillow in embarassment when the scene of Jake telling her she was not heavy plays over her head

"why do I always get nervous when I'm around him?" she speaks to herself, "what do you call this feeling?".

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