To show the improvements and repeats of the past

Start from the beginning

Unlike Hanna, all of them were professional fighters, warriors, and adventurers who had already acquired extensive battle experience and had been trained to work in a team. They were Unity's special unit of sorts.

I even heard rumors about a fan club for them being created within the organization, despite all of them being completely anonymous.

Not that I was jealous of their popularity as I had already gotten far too much attention and praise from within and outside the organization, as if everyone attributed all our victories to my single person.

-5." I said as I prepared to jump down while seeing the others draw their weapons and lean forward to jump down.

-2." I said, continuing to countdown as a large and loud rumble suddenly shook the opposite side of the ravine as rocks fell down from the top and rolled to the ground.

-What was that?!" Screamed what I assumed to be the bandit's chief as he ran off from his tent, holding a long sword in each hand.

-1" I added as I stood to the edge of the gap, only millimeters away from falling in.

-The part of the southern face collapsed sir." Answered the guard, as their leader seemed to relax a bit while I let out a cold, emotionless "0" before launching myself forward at full speed.

Falling from twenty meters up, the enemy leader barely had time to complain about having been woken up for nothing, that I had already cut his throat wide open.

Unable to understand what had just happen the man's body hesitantly trembled in place for a few second before collapsing to the ground in a loud *baam*.

By the time the other bandit noticed what was going on, it was already too late, all their men on the northern flank had been assassinated without having had time to react and my battle-ready unite were closing on the remaining ones in the south.

Surprisingly managing to getting into a somewhat coherent formation, the remaining enemy where jumped on from the back by the second half of our forces who had just caused part of their flank of the wall to crumble.

Fighting continued for a few more seconds as the others engaged the bandits placed around the main camp, quickly overwhelming them with both numbers, tactics and firepower. It was barely a fig-

-ANOTHER STEP AND I KILL HER!" I heard a loud man shout as I jerked my head to my rear left.

Feeling my heart drop, I saw one of the bandits holding one of our members against himself with his sword against their neck.

{Hannadreda ???????}

-0" Said Unity in a cold, determined tone as she dashed down the canyon, silently falling through the air, her black outfit and skin imitating the night sky making her bland in her surroundings.

Landing right behind their bandit's leader, he didn't even have time to see what was happening, that she had already finished him off in a single strike, so fast and precise that it looked closer to an art than a fighting technique.

Not only was Unity able to use all types of magic, but she could move and react at unimaginable speed, so fast that it was sometimes hard to see that she had even attacked.

Her fighting level wasn't just amazing, it was almost a dance with every hit being a new pose, every fight a choreography and every mission a spectacle in itself.

Seeing her fight always filled me with awe and excitement as I dreamed about reaching even just a 10th of her skill.

I wanted to help her, despite knowing just how huge the skill gap between the two of us was. I wanted to participate, to support her, to see her triumph over the bad guys.

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