°• His fault? - Jinsoo •°

387 21 25

J-Hope was silent throughout the drive. He wanted to say something but nothing came out of his throat.

Currently, they were in the hospital. Jin was in the ICU, having a serious operation. An operation that would decide will he live or not?

J-Hope was contemplated with fright, terror and panic. He had the fear that they would lose Jin.

But when he looked towards Jisoo, she looked unbothered. She was scrolling through her phone, without any hesitation.

J-Hope took a seat beside her, looking at her in a suspicious way.

Jisoo - What?

J-Hope - Are you the same Kim Jisoo whom I knew 7 years before?

Jisoo - No, I'm not! I've changed. I don't care about anyone now. All thanks to Kim Seokjin.

J-Hope - He never meant to do th-

Jisoo - Oh, really? But guess what, he did it! He has already done what he never wanted to. I hate him now! And I would never be able to love him now.

J-Hope - You need to calm do-

Jisoo - There would be no one more pleased than me, if he dies.


He shouted, uprising himself. All the stares were at him but he wasn't distressed upon it. At this point, his concern were Jisoo's words.

J-Hope - What do you even think of yourself? Losing Jin would make you propitious?

Jisoo - Yeah, it will! Cause he hurted me, he insulted me, he accused me, he abused me, he humiliated me. That ungrateful, insensitive, insensible, heartless man deserves this. Why would it be a trouble for me?

She blurted out all her rage in her sentences, her convict held so much bitterness, contempt.

J-Hope delicately held her by her shoulders, making her confront him.

J-Hope - Jisoo, are you even listening to yourself?

Jisoo - I don't want to!

J-Hope - But you have to! Jisoo, this isn't you. You're not this heartless, you're a gem that deserves this world.

Jisoo's face turned pale, it felt like she had the feeling of regression rising inside her heart. And this feeling couldn't be resisted.

She looked down, unhinging her gaze from J-Hope.

Jisoo - I didn't d-do anything w-wrong.

J-Hope - Then, why're you shuttering? Do you have any answer for that?

She sighed heavily, letting her head drop. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to fall.

Jisoo - Why can't I hate him? Even if I try to, why can't I hate him?

She sniffled between her words.

J-Hope - Cause you love him.

Jisoo - One-sided love hurts the most, isn't it?

J-Hope - One-sided? Jisoo, he loves you too.

Jisoo - No, he never did! That love was just a game for him. And guess what, he won. He hurted me. He ended my crave for love. It's only him in my heart. Because of him, I can't fall in love. I'm scared to love now. What if everyone turns into a traitor for me? Who'll be my saviour?

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