Chapter 49 - Truth

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Everyone sat around in Keegan's home with bottles of champagne, a little celebration going on. "Well I couldn't have asked for it to go better." Nijada said. "She walked into that situation willingly and killed Travares.. saved you and Keegan having to do it." She said to Ryan. "Now he finally gets the twins without her being a part of their lives and we get a bag load of money to set us up for life.... and beyond... hell, for 10 lifetimes," she laughed. "It's the least I deserved for her fucking with him behind my back in the beginning and on our wedding night....

"She was with him first.." Lauren said.

"Besides the point.." Nijada smiled, "I'm gonna raise the twins and Keegan has already said that he would raise Alexis as his own. It's a shame that he didn't know that Charisma was Travares daughter before he had the first pregnancy beaten out of her." She laughed again and sipped her wine. "We all played it so well... and now with Travares out of the way and the blood on her hands, once we make sure that Dane is shown as innocent... there is no one to stand in our way with the twins....

Wesley slipped outside to Keegan who was standing on the decking alone. "Listen to them in there.. we didn't need to do this to her... we could have just said to her that it was time to wake up... that was all she had to do was wake up.......


Charisma opened her eyes, she saw Keegan in just his jeans leaning over her. "Wake up... oh hello it's about time...

 oh hello it's about time

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She sat up quick. "What day is it?."

He climbed on the bed beside her. "It's the next day after I said and did some fucked up shit to you..." he held her face and looked at a faded bruise on her jawline. "for which I'm sorry... I can be like a grumpy ass teenager sometimes but it's because I worry about you C... I didn't want you to take him out.. I didn't want you to have to live with that... because to someone that isn't about that life, the nightmares you can get could almost kill you as much as the guilt.... I don't want that for you."

"I had a dream.. that you and Nijada and everyone planned it all.. to take the twins from me.. you took me to court.. had Polly fess up that I killed my father.. and the most hurtful was knowing that you and Nijada were still dealing with each other...

He laughed. "C that'll be the guilt... and the fact that I told you about Ni... or even that fact you've always been a daydreamer and we all knew that..." he said and tapped the side of her head.

She smiled awkwardly. "Yeah I guess I do let it run away with me...

"Well go back to the dreams you used to have of being a princess, because that is exactly what you are going to be to me when you walk down the aisle..

"What about Ryan?."

"I called him... he didn't go far he knew I had my head up my ass.. with him more so for letting you talk him in to it.. but I also know how persuasive you can be... I guess I'm glad yo dad is gone.. and now we've got nothing to stand in our way... you me and the twins.... gonna be together forever...

"What about our baby girl.. she's up in heaven too.."

He took her hand and kissed it. "She's gonna be with us forever too kicking her daddy's ass all the way.. watching her lil brother and sister grow up right... I can't wait to marry you boo... it's gonna be the best and most lavish affair..

She smirked. "Did Nijada try it on a lot...

 "Did Nijada try it on a lot

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He nodded. "Yep, she did... she did this whole lap dance..

"Oh yo mean like this." She smiled and climbed in his lap, her knees either side of his legs she rubbed and smoothed her hands all over him. "Now did she do this!." She said and leaned in and kissed his naked chest.

"Naw.. she wanted to but...

"Oh did she now...And what about this." She said again as she took out his dick from his pants and put it in her mouth.

"God damn.. there was no way she was doing that.. he's all yours baby." He said, beginning to deepen and quicken his breath.


Ryan kissed Lauren. "What did he say...

Ryan looked at her. " he wants me and you to come over for dinner at their place tonight and talk... He blew up, which is exactly what he does when he feels like he's backed into a corner... I knew that once he had time to think about things and calm down he would be okay... I knew I was wrong to go behind his back and take her there.. but she has got so much fire in her soul.. I really don't think he sees it, I really don't think he knows what he's got in her...

Lauren raised her eyebrows

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Lauren raised her eyebrows. "She shot him outright?.."

" I had to finish the job, but she was the first to fire off the shot." Ryan said.

Dane nodded. "She did.... she did what the rest of us have been wanting to do for years...

"I'm gonna tell you now Keegan won't want her out there fighting wars... you know exactly how he was when he found out that she had gone up there without him knowing.." Lauren said.

" let's get ready for dinner at Keegan's house and see what he's got to say." Ryan said.

As Lauren walked off to get ready to go to Keegan's place for dinner, Dane looked at Ryan. "Bro, what about Jamil and Declan....

" i'll speak to Keegan today and see what we can do about getting those two brought back now that Dad has gone" Ryan said and hugged his little brother. "He's gone bro, we don't have to live in his shadow anymore."


Charisma picked up Venice and kissed her cheek, she then she kissed Arlen. Keegan stood in the doorway and watched her, he smiled. Charisma turned around and saw him. "And look here's daddy.." she said to Arlen as she kissed his head and handed him to Keegan. While she picked up Venice. "Your daddy got all of us.. and he's gonna take care of all of us." She said and reached up on tip to to kiss his lips as he would never lower to meet her.

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