Chapter 3 - Results

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Charisma served up the food for her and Marnie. She sat down to eat at the table with her. "I'm supposed to be lecturing in half an hour." Charisma said rushing her food.

"You need to slow down.. those babies are gonna give you a rude awakening if you don't." She said. "Call in sick."

"Me?.. never.. I would never..

"Sometimes you need to take some time out.. you've kept yourself busy since we've been here.. and I know why."

Charisma looked at her. "Why?."

"Big juicy man, name begins with K!." She laughed.

" She laughed

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"Juicy?.. how the hell would you know." Charisma mocked and both the girls laughed. She went quiet for a second. "He is a hard habit to break it was never going to be easy.. I've not seen him in 6 months and he will be here in the next couple of days.. I have to admit my stomach is churning...

"Love will do that to you."

"I'm not in love with him...

"Oh my god Charisma, yes you are.. I've seen you looking at pictures of him on your phone.. I was gonna get one of them blown up into a life size cut out for you, and stand him right at the end of your bed." She laughed.

Charisma shook her head. "Full of jokes today." She finished her food quickly and stood up. "Ahhh... ooo that was weird." She said holding her bump.

"I told you, you need to take it easy.. you've got 2 babies in there girl.. not just one... call in sick... keep me company..

"No." Charisma said. "You teach me bad habits Marnie... now I've gotta go." She said and picked up her purse and car keys, heading out.


"We've got your test results." The doctor said standing at the foot of Nijada's bed with a brown envelope in his hand. He handed it to her.

Keegan looked at her as she took it. "Thanks doc." He said as he left the room.

"Can you open it.. I can't.." she said, shaking her head.

Keegan took the envelope from her and he opened it up. He took out the letter and he read it. He took his time to understand it fully and then he looked at Nijada. He handed it to her. "I'm not her daddy."


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"No.. oh god no...." she said almost winded. She had tears in her eyes. "Keegan I'm so sorry... please..

"Ni.. I have kind of known all along something just wasn't sitting right...

Her hands shook. "You're gonna leave me.. oh god.. please don't leave me.."
Keegan stayed calm. Alexis started crying so he picked her up and held her, it wasn't the baby's fault after all.
"Keegan please talk to me."

"Not until you calm down.. she can sense you're upset. Just calm down and we will talk.. like I said I am not surprised.. I kinda knew... but you aren't gonna take in what I've got to say until you're calm." He told her.


Charisma walked into the town hall where she was going to be giving a lecture on life skills to a bunch of teenagers who were generally in trouble with the law. "Oh hi Bobby I'm sorry I'm late, I've just had so much going on today I don't know whether I'm coming or going." She said as she saw her mentor.

He smiled at her. " that's okay, it's only to be expected" he said looking at her bump. "Oh my lord! Have they grown in the past two days, that bump looks positively huge?."

" they are growing fast in fact the midwife thinks that I will be having these any time soon, as in the next couple of days."

"Oh.." he pulled a face. " then the hard work starts let me tell you I remember what it was like when Yvette brought home Millie for the first time, the first few weeks were just a blur. I was getting lost in an avalanche of bottles and diapers." He said. " but I wouldn't change it for the world, and I know that you are going to be a great mom."

" I hope so, I think I have read every single parenting book that there is"

"you can do that until the cows come home but nothing hits you like the reality. Trust me nothing can prepare you." He said.

"Wow, thanks Bobby you're making me feel 100 times better." Charisma said and headed out to the back room to get her presentation ready. She set her bag down and she felt another twinge this time it took her breath away and she dropped her bag spilling her papers on the floor. She had to sit down for a second.


Nijada had calmed down and had fallen asleep. Keegan had left her with the baby just to go and see to some business with Ryan. As Nijada stirred she saw her mother walking in. "Hi mom." She said, sitting up in bed with a smile on her face.

"Hello baby.. wow, look at this little one, isn't she beautiful. When do you find out if the baby is Keegan's?." She asked her and held her hand as she saw her cry.

"Oh mom, she's not his... she's Kane's."

Her mother sighed. "You stupid girl.. why did you allow him to get you in that state..

"He drugged me.. mom I really wanted Keegan to be her father.. what do I do..

"You'll let me talk to him.. because you can't lose that man.." she said to her.

"But what if he doesn't want to raise her?.. he could walk away.. there is nothing keeping him with me...

"You make sure there is, you need to love that man with everything you've got and you need to bare him more children

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"You make sure there is, you need to love that man with everything you've got and you need to bare him more children... he is the right match for you..

"I know he is...

"Then work hard to keep him." She said. She looked at Alexis. She picked her up and cuddled her. She smiled. "She's a cutie though..." she looked at Nijada. "What happened to her father?."

"Keegan got rid of him."

"You see, Keegan is a powerful man. He doesn't hesitate and he gets the job done.. That is what you need.." Greta said.


"Charisma you're up.... Charisma?.." Bobby rushed in and saw her on her knees holding her stomach.

"They're coming... oh my godddddd." She yelled.

"Okay don't panic." He said running around the place like a headless chicken. "I'll call an ambulance."

"Call Marnie too and ask her to call Keegan...

"No worries... I'm on it." He said.

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