Chapter 42 - 2 days later

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"So it's true?." Travares said as he sat in his chair at his underground club.

"Yeah.. she left him a few days ago, took the twins and went... by all accounts he was sleeping with Nijada Pearce behind her back.."

Travares sniggered. "Of course he did.. he's a Fraser.. he's sowing them oats everywhere.. but I need those twins found... I want my daughter found.. I want them here with me away from him... it's payback time for Keegan Fraser.. when I take everything that he has ever owned and held dear and I snap it in front of him...." he said through gritted teeth. "get enough men out there on the outside looking for these twins and this baby girl of mine..."


Charisma opened the door to the motel room she had been holding up at. She missed the hell out of Keegan she wanted to call him so much. In walked Ryan. He looked at her.
"Well come in and shut the door.." she said. "Unless you wanna get caught."

He shut the door

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He shut the door. "Are you ready to do this?."

"Yes... Keegan has a lot of business going on he is holding up his end of the bargain and making it look as if he is back with Nijada.. now we travel back and we speak to daddy and I get him the hell out of my hair and get back to my man and my babies."

"Don't you wanna talk about the fact that I'm yo big brother?." He said to her.

"I would rather not." She said and screwed up her face. "You and I almost hit a critical point that would have had that entire sentence fucking both of our lives up." She smiled. She looked at him. "I understand that he did some bad shit to you...
Ryan sighed, not really ready to talk about it.
"Ryan.. what did he do to you?"

"He believes in hard discipline. We can be nothing but strong men in the family.. maybe having a daughter might have mellowed him... he beat me to shit every day.. every damn day.. Keegan rescued me when I was at the brink, ready to end it all..." he looked at her and smiled. "I always wanted a sister though"

Charisma touched his face. "I'm sorry for what ever you went through with him.. I'm glad Keegan helped you." She said. "And when all this is over we can get to know each other properly.. I would also like to meet my other brothers, and maybe you can tell me about them." She sighed. "But for now.. we got work to do.."


Keegan sat in the bedroom as Nijada got dressed in front of him. He didn't look up he just stayed looking at his phone. She cleared her throat and bent over to pick up something that she purposely dropped. Keegan looked at her and shook his head. "Thirsty ass!."

"Excuse me." She said to him with a sexy smirk.

"Ni.. you can try all you like but nothing is changing..

"You used to like this

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"You used to like this... in fact you bought it." She said to him. He looked at her, she stood in front of him in a peach lace underwear set. Her body was on point and she looked good. She knew what he liked and how to work it in front of him. "See... look how you're looking at me... i still got it.. I still got what you want." She smiled, with her lip gloss sparkling.

Keegan cricked his neck and averted his eyes for a second before he immediately looked back at her. She watched his face and she climbed on to the bed slowly, she crawled up towards him until she was facing him. They looked into each other's eyes. "Touch me Keegan please.. I need to feel your hands on my body." She took his hand and placed it on her chest as she knelt astride him, up close to him as he sat against the headboard. His face was at the height of the top of her panties. He pulled his hand away from her chest and she pulled her panties down slowly right in front of his eyes. She gyrated her hips in front of him and lap danced him.

She moved her head towards him to kiss him.


Charisma was swallowing back her nerves. Ryan noticed. "Listen, we don't need to go in there.. if you're not ready..

"He is what stands in the way of my future happiness.. me, Keegan and the twins.. I have to do this whether I'm shitting my pants or not." She told him.

He nodded. "Aite. I hear you.. we got yo back.. and me and you will face him together."

They had spent the past 2 hours travelling back to LA, ready to face him. She thought about Keegan and how much she wanted to be a normal family, live a normal life and raise her babies. But they needed to eradicate this problem first. They finally pulled into his driveway, Ryan grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She nodded as they both got out of the car and headed towards the house.


Keegan headed downstairs in his shorts. Tara spotted him as he walked out to the kitchen to got some juice. She leaned against the side of the refrigerator. "What are you up to?."

He smirked at her. " what does it look like I'm getting some juice?."

She shook her head. "No, I don't mean that... You and that bitch aren't even together are you... You're still with my baby... you don't ever touch her like you love her, it's staged" she said

Keegan suddenly grabbed her by her throat and slammed her against the wall. "And if I were you I would stay the fuck out of it!."

"I'm on your side too... I hate it here... I just wanted to get closer to Charisma but it hasn't happened... he doesn't love her... he still wants your twins." She told him with tears in her eyes. "So does Greta."

"So do a lot of people... Tara you better not be fucking with me!." He checked her body for a wire or cellphone that was on record. He rubbed his hands across the lace bra and panties that she was wearing. And she gasped a little. he stood back and looked at her "don't get any ideas.. C is the only woman for me." He continued patting her down for little devices she may have been concealing, he did not trust her or Alfie.


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He turned to see Nijada standing in the doorway. She looked hurt at the fact his hands were all over Tara. "Why are your hands on her!."

He sniggered and lifted Tara's chin, he kissed her lips tenderly in front of Nijada and she stormed out. Letting her know he didn't belong to her. As soon as she was gone Keegan dragged Tara outside. "Are we gonna fuck?." She asked excitedly.

"'re gonna die.....

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