Chapter 35 - Pastor Jefferies

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It had been a long while since Charisma had been inside the church. She had gone here often as a child, with her mother and father. The pastor was very involved in the family she remembered him being at their house quite a bit too, he was also very involved with her care home.

He finished talking to one of his congregation and he smiled when he saw Charisma. "Aww, Charisma.. how are you." He said as he walked up to her.

"I'm fine..

" he looked at the babies and then back at her. "I heard about this but I didn't think it was true.. you had twins" he said to her with a beaming smile.

"Yes I did... This is Arlen, and this is Venice..

He looked in at both of them in the double stroller and he smiled. "Two very precious gifts from God." He looked at Charisma. "Look how far you've come.. from a troubled home to being a shining light and mother.." his smiled faded slightly. "However, your choice of father for these gifts is unsettling."

"Keegan is a good man

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"Keegan is a good man.. at least he is to me and the kids.. in a way he helped me discover the truth about my family.. I am more settled now because I understand why I was given away...I understand all of it..

"Do you?... do you really understand?.." he said to her. "So you finally learned the truth... is that why you're here?."

Charisma shook her head "no...

"Because it wasn't my fault Charisma.. But I did everything possible to make it right, to make sure you had the best of everything even if I couldn't give it to you myself....

She looked at him baffled. "I umm...

"Please let me explain here in the house of god.. I need him to hear this too.. your mother was the victim of a horrendous attack.. we cared for her at the homeless centre, until she gave birth.. to you... Greta was a very persuasive and dangerous woman.. she knew that Tara was carrying Alfie's child.. and so the swap was made so that Greta could get her revenge on Tara and sell her child... your mother, real mother.. Anneka, well.. she was a drug addict and she didn't even want her child.. so Tara was given you... and Alfie believed that you were his.. Greta's ultimate revenge... she wanted you kept close and she more than likely always will, and will want your babies so beware....

"What... my real mother?... what in the world...
He looked horrified as he realised that she didn't know the full truth.
"Tara wasn't my mother?."

He shook his head. "Though she believes she is.. and Alfie believes you're his.." he shook his head. "I'm sorry Charisma, but when you said you knew... I thought....

"Who is my father?." She asked.

"He's not a good person...

"Who is he?." She said straight faced.

"Travares Mathias Watson.. he's more dangerous than Alfie could ever be.. it's why Greta wants to steal your babies.. you and Keegan... you are the ultimate couple, and together you and your babies are worth the earth...

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